NComputing PC Expanion L120 User Manual
Page 94
A message (shown below) repeatedly appears while installing
NCT-2000-XP. What is the problem?
The following is a list of possible situations that may arise during the use
of your product. Simple answers and solutions are provided for each :
When you try to install NCT-2000-XP using the Installation CD, it
compares the contents of the CD with the latest version in the
NComputing server. The message appears when the computer is
not connected to the Internet or the port is blocked by a program
such as a firewall. The reason why the message appears repeatedly
is that there are multiple NComputing servers on the network. The
redundant servers allow users to download the latest version of the
software even if some are down or unreachable.
Our company is using a firewall. Which ports should be opened
to use a PC Expanion?
The port numbers are as follows. TCP Port: 27605, 3581, 3597, 3645,
3646, 3725, UDP Port: 1027, 1283.
The port numbers are subject to change without notice.
If NCT-2000-XP Installation CD is not available, can I download
the latest version of the program?
Yes, you can download the latest version of the program. However,
unlike installing it with the CD, you have to select the option to search
for NComputing servers as follows when you try to install the latest
program. Click
OK. If the DOS command prompt window appears, change directory
to the NCT-2000-XP program folder and type ‘Setup.exe/ftpon’. Then
the NComputing servers are searched and the program is updated
with the latest version.