Sun Microsystems 4500/3 User Manual
A product from the suntone, Platforms portfolio
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Cluster Platform 4500/3 User’s Guide
- Contents
- Figures
- Tables
- Preface
- Introduction
- Tools for Reading Online Documentation
- Solaris Documentation
- Your Integrated System
- Cluster Platform Component Location
- Cabling the System
- Cluster Platform 4500/3 Recovery
- Before You Begin Recovery
- Recovery CD-ROMs
- Installing the Recovery CD
- 1. Access the management server console through the terminal concentrator:
- 2. To issue a Stop-A command to the cluster nodes and to access the OpenBoot PROM (OBP) prompt, p...
- 3. This character forces access to the telnet prompt. Enter the Stop-A command, as follows:
- 4. Boot the system from the CD-ROM:
- 5. Select a CD-ROM drive from the menu.
- 6. Install the Solaris operating environment software.
- 7. Install the second data CD.
- Installing the Recovery CD
- Completing the Recovery Process
- Customizing the Cluster Platform 4500/3
- Customizing the Terminal Concentrator
- 1. Power up the main circuit breaker, and then power up all individual system components.
- 2. Provide console connectivity into the terminal concentrator:
- 3. Configure the terminal concentrator device:
- 4. Modify the default IP address that will be used in your network. Use the addr command to modif...
- 5. Copy the Ethernet address entered above for the terminal concentrator, and add it to “Ethernet...
- 6. Terminate your tip session by entering ~ . (tilde and period). Power-cycle the terminal concen...
- 7. From the Sun workstation, verify that the terminal concentrator responds to the new IP address:
- 8. To access the terminal concentrator, include the default router in the terminal concentrator c...
- 9. Type the following information into the config.annex file; replace the following variable with...
- 10. Enter the
w command to save changes and exit the config.annex file. - 11. Enable access to all ports, and reboot the terminal concentrator.
- 12. From the Sun workstation, access the terminal concentrator:
- 13. Boot the management server from the OBP prompt to start the customization process.
- 14. Choose a specific localization.
- 15. Select the appropriate terminal emulation:
- 16. Select Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) services.
- 17. Select the primary network interface.
- 18. Enter the name of the management server.
- 19. Enter the IP address of the management server.
- 20. Deselect IPv6 support.
- 21. Confirm the customization information for the management server:
- 22. Deselect and confirm Kerberos security.
- 23. Select and confirm a naming service.
- 24. Select a subnet membership.
- 25. Select a netmask.
- 26. Select the appropriate time zone and region.
- 27. Set the date and time, and confirm all information.
- 28. Select a secure root password.
- 29. Add the router name and IP address:
- 30. Add the cluster environment name:
- 31. Enter the terminal concentrator name (node names will follow):
- 32. Add the cluster node names and IP addresses:
- 33. Add the disk array host names and IP addresses.:
- 34. When prompted to confirm the variables, type y if all of the variables are correct. Type n if...
- 35. Error messages indicate that the devices did not start completely.
- 36. When the management server reboots, log in as root user to start the terminal concentrator cu...
- Starting the Cluster Console
- 1. Start cluster console windows for both cluster nodes by entering the following command on the ...
- 2. In the Cluster Control Panel window, double-click the Cluster Console (console mode) icon to d...
- 3. To enter text into both node windows simultaneously, click the cursor in the Cluster Console w...
- Installing the Software Stack on Both Cluster Nodes
- 1. Use the ccp(1M) Cluster Console window to enter the following command into both nodes simultan...
- 2. Log into each cluster node as a superuser (password is abc) and change the default password to...
- 3. Configure the Sun StorEdge T3 array shared disk storage, using the Solstice DiskSuite software.
- 4. Select a quorum device to satisfy failure fencing requirements for the cluster. (Refer to the ...
- 5. Install and configure the highly available application for the cluster environment. (Refer to ...
- 6. Establish resource groups, logical hosts, and data services to enable the required application...
- TABLE24 Cluster Platform Cables
- Customizing the Terminal Concentrator
- The Cluster Platform 4500/3 System
- Task Overview
- 1. Provide a name, IP address, and root password for the management server.
- 2. Provide a name and IP address for the terminal concentrator.
- 3. Provide a name for the cluster environment and a default router (gateway).
- 4. Provide names and IP addresses for individual cluster nodes.
- 5. Provide names and IP addresses for the Sun StorEdge T3 arrays.
- 6. Configure shared disk storage under Solstice DiskSuite or VERITAS volume manager. Configuratio...
- 7. Select a quorum device from the shared disk storage.
- 8. Install and configure the required highly available applications.
- 9. Install and configure data services to support the highly available applications.
- 10. Configure network adapter failover (NAFO) for automatic failover.
- Hardware Components
- Software Components
- Task Overview
- Laptop Settings to Access Monitor Mode
- To Access the Terminal Concentrator from a Laptop
- 1. Provide monitor mode connectivity into the terminal concentrator using a laptop computer runni...
- 2. Click Start ‰ Programs ‰ Accessories ‰ Communications ‰ HyperTerminal to open the HyperTermina...
- 3. In the HyperTerminal folder, double-click the HyperTerm icon to display the Connection Descrip...
- 4. In the Connection Description window, enter StandardConfig in the Name field, and click the ic...
- 5. In the Connect To window, select the Direct to Com1 option from the Connect using field. Click...
- 6. In the COM1 Properties window, select the following options:
- 7. Click OK to open the StandardConfig—HyperTerminal application window and to support monitor mode.
- 8. In the StandardConfig—HyperTerminal window, select File ‰ Properties to open the StandardConfi...
- 9. In the StandardConfig Properties window, click the Settings option, and select VT100 for the E...
- FIGURE23 Cluster Platform Interconnections and NAFO
- To Access the Terminal Concentrator from a Laptop
- Console Output for the Automatic Software Install on the Cluster Nodes
- Connections Within the Cluster Platform 4500/3
- TABLEC1 Boot Disk to Server Connections
- TABLEC2 Disk Array to Hub Connections
- TABLEC3 FC-AL Hub to Server Connections
- TABLEC4 Management Server Connections
- TABLEC5 Terminal Concentrator to Management Server and Cluster Nodes Connections
- TABLEC6 Node to Node Connections
- TABLEC7 Ethernet Cables to Production Network Connections
- TABLEC8 Ethernet Hub Connections
- Troubleshooting the Cluster Platform 4500/3 Installation