E.5 improving online video performance, E.5.1 video files and your system resources, E.5.2 improving file loading time – Sun Microsystems 220R User Manual

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Improving Online Video Performance

Playing video online requires considerable computer resources compared to other
computer applications. This section informs you about resources, and alerts you to
measures you can take to improve performance and conserve system resources. To
find out about each topic, go to:


Section E.5.1 “Video Files and Your System Resources” on page 298


Section E.5.2 “Improving File Loading Time” on page 298


Section E.5.3 “Configuring Web Browsers Not to Use Proxies for the AnswerBook2

Server” on page 299


Section E.5.4 “Quitting the Video Player” on page 301


Section E.5.5 “Adjusting the Brightness of ShowMe TV Files” on page 302


Section E.5.6 “Playing the Movies From the AnswerBook2 CD” on page 302


Video Files and Your System Resources

On Sun systems, the video files are loaded into your AnswerBook2 server’s directory.
Each video file in this AnswerBook2 document can be as large as 60 Mbytes. The size
of the video file is displayed next to its video icon in the AnswerBook2

When you click on the video icon, AnswerBook2 downloads the file to your local




directory, and then launches the video player for which

your browser is configured.

On Sun systems, usually the system administrator often configures the





directory to be about twice the capacity of the system memory. On the Sun

system where you will be viewing these videos, make sure that the system
administrator configures the system




directory to support playing

video files as large as 60 Mbytes.

When you quit the video player, the


or /swap space is released. If you do not

quit the player, then it is possible for your




directory to become full.

We recommend that you quit the player after watching each video.


Improving File Loading Time

Downloading video files can take a few minutes, depending on the size of the file
and the amount of network traffic. Because load time is so dependent on your
network environment, it is impossible to be more specific. The status bar at the


Sun Enterprise 220R Server Service Manual

January 2000, Revision A