I-20 – SMC Networks EliteView 6.20 User Manual
Page 212

Cause: Trap defined in MIB file is invalid.
Action: Fix trap definition and recompile.
Object list is not a tree.
Cause: You did not define or import some needed nodes.
Action: Check all undefined node or syntax listed in the import list, fix any errors, and recompile.
The parser had an error.
Line: %d
Message: %s
Cause: MIB macro clause has some errors. You may have forgotten to define some mandatory groups.
Action: Check the MIB definition, fix any errors, and recompile.
Node “%s” syntax is undefined in the file and syntax database.
Cause: You defined a node with invalid syntax.
Action: Check the node’s syntax clause, fix it, and then recompile.
%s, %s ... defined in module %s could not be found. Please import this module first.
Cause: The MIB you are compiling is trying to import a node or syntax from another MIB.
Action: Compile the required MIB first.
Error happened in merge tree node.
Cause: MIB Compiler cannot merge the current MIB file into the database.
Action: Check the MIB file definition.
Syntax node “%s” is undefined both in the MIB file and the syntax database.
Cause: You used undefined syntax in the node definition.
Action: Check the syntax in the MIB file, fix any errors, and import it in the import list.
%s near line %d has an invalid subidentifier
Cause: Variable has a bad node subidentifier in line xxx.
Action: Correct the node subidentifier and compile again.
%s near line %d has a duplicated node in the MIB file.
Cause: The variable is duplicated in line xxx.
Action: Rename the variable and compile again.
ACCESS %s in %s near line %d is unknown.