The [bitmaps] section, Table b-5 – SMC Networks EliteView 6.20 User Manual
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The table below describes each item:
If no application is designated for a device, then the default application listed in the preceding table is invoked
when the corresponding menu item is selected.
Example: Sample entry for [tools] section
1=1,&Zoom,SNMPTREE.EXE,Zoomin the object,zoom
2=1,&Alive Test,ALTEST.EXE,Alive test,altest
3=1,&MIB Browser,SNMPTREE.EXE,MIB browser,tree
4=1,M&IB-2 Viewer,MIB2VIEW.EXE,MIB-2(RFC1213) Viewer, mib2view
From the [tools] section, one can read the following information:
Five menu items are listed in the Tools Menu – Zoom, Alive Test, MIB Browser, MIB-2 Viewer, and Telnet.
Run each item by invoking the corresponding executable file. For example, run Zoom by invoking
ZOOM.EXE, etc.
Invoking any command will display the corresponding help message in the status bar. For example, clicking
Zoom will display Zoom in the object.
For the SNMP node, there is no override. This means that when Zoom and MIB Browser are selected,
SNMPTREE.EXE is executed.
For SMC devices, the Zoom command invokes the corresponding EliteView management module; the Alive
Test command invokes ALTEST.EXE; and the MIB Browser command invokes SNMPTREE.EXE.
The [bitmaps] Section
The [bitmaps] NETMGR.INI section lists the filenames of graphic bitmaps that are used to show devices on the
EliteView maps. The graphic bitmaps are in standard *.BMP format. If you want to change any of the bitmaps
EliteView provides, you can create you own and integrate them into EliteView. You can do this simply by copying
a new bitmap into the bitmap directory and editing the [bitmap] section of the NETMGR.INI file.
Table B-5 Identifying Particular Tools for a Device
The device identifier defined in the [device] section.
The menu item sequence number the device will override.
Filename of the EliteView application that is invoked when the device type and menu items are