Setting the transfer eof – FARGO electronic HDP820 User Manual
Page 289

Fargo Electronics, Inc.
HDP 800 Series Card Printer/Encoders Service Manual (Rev. 5.0)
Setting the Transfer EOF
This procedure controls the point on the card at which the Transfer Roller lifts and ceases
transfer. Refer to the
Preparing to adjust the Print Offset, Transfer TOF and Transfer EOF
procedure in Section 8, page 449, for proper sequence.
Step Procedure
Choose MENU, Print Test Image and Gray/Align YMC to print a test card.
a. Examine the test card. (Note: The Inner Alignment Arrows should appear at
the trailing edge and the Outer Alignment Arrows should not appear on the
b. If the test card does not look like the color bars YMC display. See the
Reviewing the Color Bars YMC Self-Test
in Section 2, page 133. Go to Step
7 (below) to adjust the Transfer EOF.
Record the Transfer EOF value on the test card last printed.
Select MENU, Setup Printer and Transfer EOF.
Measure the distance from the trailing edge of the card to the trailing edge of the
image transfer.
Calculate the Transfer EOF value for inches or mm.
Inches: -24 + (Measurement x 300)
Millimeters: -24 + (Measurement x 11.8)
Example: Inches: -24 + (.050 x 300) = -105
Adjust the Transfer EOF value.
Decrease the Transfer EOF value to move the end of the transferred image
toward the leading edge of the card.
Increase the Transfer EOF value to move the end of the transferred image
toward the trailing edge of the card.
Remember, ±30 Pixels will move the transferred image 0.100 in. (3.84mm.)
Press SELECT to save the value.