FARGO electronic HDP820 User Manual
Page 15

Fargo Electronics, Inc.
HDP 800 Series Card Printer/Encoders Service Manual (Rev. 5.0)
Table of Contents
Section 1: Specifications _________________________________________________ 10
Reviewing the HDP800 Series Printers Overview table ________________________ 10
Regulatory Compliances ________________________________________________ 11
Agency Listings _______________________________________________________ 11
Technical Specifications ________________________________________________ 12
Functional Specifications ________________________________________________ 16
Printer Components: Access Card Slot to Parallel Interface Port_______________ 17
Printer Components: LCD and Softkey Control Pad ________________________ 25
Printer Components: Centronics-Type Parallel Interface _____________________ 31
Printer Components: Print Ribbons _____________________________________ 32
Printer Components: Blank Cards_______________________________________ 33
Printer Components: Card Input Hopper (HDP820/820-LC) __________________ 34
Printer Components: Card Input Hopper (HDP825/825-LC) __________________ 35
Printer Components: Card Output Hopper ________________________________ 36
Printer Components: Lamination Roller __________________________________ 37
Reviewing the Card Lamination Module____________________________________ 38
Reviewing the Lamination Top Cover and Station __________________________ 39
Reviewing the Securing Latches and Lamination LED Light __________________ 40
Reviewing the Cancel button ___________________________________________ 41
Reviewing the Resume (pause) button____________________________________ 42
Reviewing the Rejection Card Hopper and Card Output Hopper _______________ 43
Reviewing the Module and Printer interaction _____________________________ 44
Reviewing the Module and LCD Display interaction ________________________ 45
Reviewing the Module’s Programmed Default Temperature __________________ 46
Reviewing the Laminator Temperature Adjustment _________________________ 47
Reviewing the Overlaminates ____________________________________________ 48
Reviewing the Thermal Transfer Film and PolyGuard Overlaminates ___________ 48
Reviewing the CR-90 or CR-100 Patch Size _______________________________ 49
Reviewing the Overlaminate Design _____________________________________ 49
Section 2: General Troubleshooting _______________________________________ 50
LCD/SmartGuard Messages______________________________________________ 50
Reviewing LCD Messages_____________________________________________ 50
Reviewing SmartGuard™ Error and Status Messages _______________________ 58
Communications Errors _________________________________________________ 60
Resolving the Communication Errors ____________________________________ 60
Firmware Errors _______________________________________________________ 63
Resolving the Upgrade Failed error ______________________________________ 63
Card Feeding Errors ____________________________________________________ 65
Resolving the Card Feeding problem (HDP820/820-LC) _____________________ 65
Resolving the Card Feeding Errors (HDP825/825-LC)_______________________ 68
Resolving the stalled Cards on or at the Feed Rollers ________________________ 71
Resolving the jammed Cards on the Flipper Table __________________________ 71
Resolving the Flipper Alignment Error Message____________________________ 72
Resolving the Cards being fed improperly off the Flipper Table _______________ 73