Freescale Semiconductor MC68HC908MR32 User Manual
Page 248

Timer Interface B (TIMB)
MC68HC908MR32 • MC68HC908MR16 Data Sheet, Rev. 6.1
Freescale Semiconductor
MSxB — Mode Select Bit B
This read/write bit selects buffered output compare/PWM operation. MSxB exists only in the TIMB
channel 0.
Setting MS0B disables the channel 1 status and control register and reverts TCH1B to
general-purpose I/O.
Reset clears the MSxB bit.
1 = Buffered output compare/PWM operation enabled
0 = Buffered output compare/PWM operation disabled
MSxA — Mode Select Bit A
When ELSxB:A
≠ 00, this read/write bit selects either input capture operation or unbuffered output
compare/PWM operation. See
1 = Unbuffered output compare/PWM operation
0 = Input capture operation
When ELSxB:A = 00, this read/write bit selects the initial output level of the TCHx pin once PWM, input
capture, or output compare operation is enabled. See
1 = Initial output level low
0 = Initial output level high
Before changing a channel function by writing to the MSxB or MSxA bit, set
the TSTOP and TRST bits in the TIMB status and control register (TBSC).
ELSxB and ELSxA — Edge/Level Select Bits
When channel x is an input capture channel, these read/write bits control the active edge-sensing logic
on channel x.
When channel x is an output compare channel, ELSxB and ELSxA control the channel x output
behavior when an output compare occurs.
When ELSxB and ELSxA are both clear, channel x is not connected to port E, and pin PTEx/TCHxB
is available as a general-purpose I/O pin. However, channel x is at a state determined by these bits
and becomes transparent to the respective pin when PWM, input capture, or output compare mode is
shows how ELSxB and ELSxA work. Reset clears the ELSxB and ELSxA bits.
Before enabling a TIMB channel register for input capture operation, make
sure that the PTEx/TBCHx pin is stable for at least two bus clocks.
TOVx — Toggle-On-Overflow Bit
When channel x is an output compare channel, this read/write bit controls the behavior of the channel
x output when the TIMB counter overflows. When channel x is an input capture channel, TOVx has no
effect. Reset clears the TOVx bit.
1 = Channel x pin toggles on TIMB counter overflow.
0 = Channel x pin does not toggle on TIMB counter overflow.