Inspection items – FEC DSP1500 (SAN3) User Manual
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Operation Manual
7.1 Inspection Items
A scheduled inspection is recommended to keep the
System in the best running
condition. A preventive maintenance routine should be set-up. Recommended inspection
schedules are given for each item.
Follow Lockout/Tagout and other safety precautions when connecting or
disconnecting cables, wiring, and equipment. When performing the following
inspections, verify that the System is disabled prior to touching any moveable
7.1.1 Press Tool
Recommended Schedule: Quarterly
It is important to keep the tool clean and properly adjusted to ensure correct press and accurate
system outputs. Inspect each tool, and ensure the following conditions exist:
• All environmental conditions are within the specified ranges.
• The duty cycle is within specifications, and the motor is producing normal heat levels.
• The tool is producing normal levels of noise and vibration.
• The tool is free from excessive contamination and foreign matter.
• The tool is securely mounted, with mounting bolts properly tightened.
• The homerun cables are securely connected to the tool.
7.1.2 Press Fixture
Recommended Schedule: Daily
• Ensure all light curtains and safety devices are operating properly - immediately shut
down press if any problem is found and do not operate until safety devices are in
proper working order
• Ensure any fixture is securely attached to the press ram (and/or press base) and all
fasteners are tight
7.1.3 Homerun Cables
Recommended Schedule: Quarterly
These cables connect the tool to the SAN unit. Ensure the following conditions are met:
• The cables are free from unnecessary force and tension.
• The cables are secured away from any movement.
• The cables are in good condition, sufficiently insulated with no indication of broken wires.
• The cables are free from excessive contamination and foreign matter.
• The cables are securely connected to the SAN unit and to the press.
• The cables are free from heat distortion, and are not warm or hot to the touch.
• The cables, cable connectors, and connector screws are securely and correctly fastened.
Chapter 7: Maintenance & Inspection