HP 3162 User Manual

Page 198

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August 2000

Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)

procedure for configuring, 4-7

used with SNMP system, 1-2, 2-3, 2-4, 4-5, F-1

PORT (1– 2) interface

configuration options, C-6

failure message, 5-2

front panel LED indications, 3-4

functional description, 1-4, 2-1

managed by SNMP, E-1

physical description, 1-3

pin assignments, D-8

technical specifications, B-2

Port Use, 10BaseT, 4-3

power input

cabling example, 2-5

connector, 1-3, 1-4

consumption, B-1

requirement, B-1

troubleshooting, 5-15

power module, 1-4, B-1

power-up self-test

displaying results, 5-1

front panel indications, 2-6, 3-2

troubleshooting, 5-15

problem determination. See troubleshooting

protocol, link layer, 4-4, 4-7


QRSS Test, 5-26



communications port, C-18

external clock, C-16

synchronous data port, C-13

rear panel

connectors. See connectors, rear panel

physical description, 1-3

recover, asynchronous terminal operation, 3-6

remote loopback, 5-19

repeater loopback (RLB), 5-23


asynchronous terminal operation, 3-6

front panel indications, 2-6

router applications, 2-1, 2-2

RS-449 interface, D-10



displaying results, 5-1

front panel indications, 2-6, 3-2

troubleshooting, 5-15

Send Ones configuration option, C-4, C-8

serial crossover cable, D-7

Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP)

procedure for configuring, 4-7

used with SNMP system, 1-2, 2-3, 4-5, F-1

SES (Severely Errored Seconds) report, 5-6

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)

agent, 1-2

configuration options

examples of use, 4-4

option table, C-26

option worksheet, C-42

connection examples, 2-3, 2-5, F-1

database, 1-2

IP addressing, F-1

manager, 1-2


functional description, E-1

list of objects, E-1– E-24

objects, 1-2

principles of operation, 1-2

traps, functional description, 1-2, 5-13

specifications, environmental, B-1, B-2


Ethernet, 5-8

performance, 5-5

Status branch

Ethernet statistics, 5-8

IP Routing Table, 5-10

status messages. See messages, status

straps. See configuration options

subnet, 4-4, C-26, C-27, F-2

subnet mask, 10BaseT port, C-23

synchronous data port. See PORT (1–2) interface