User Manual
Menu Options
The following construct values are available for viewing:
PANH - high 8-bit pan
PANL - low 8-bit pan
TLTH - high 8-bit tilt
TLTL - low 8-bit pan
COLC - color control channel
COL - color wheel position
LTOC - litho control channel
LTO - litho wheel position
LTR - litho rotation
FCUS - lens tube position
FX - effects wheel position
FXR - effects wheel rotation
IRIS - iris position*
SHUT - shutter strobe
DIM - shutter dim flag
MSPD - MSpeed time
LAD - Laser Aiming Device*
CNTL - control channel
If your Technobeam-i does not have an iris and/or Laser
Aiming Device (LAD), the iris and LAD-related constructs
will have no functionality.
To view the DMX status and construct values:
Press and hold the