High End Systems Technobeam User Manual
Page 64
User Manual
Solution: Make sure all dichroics and lithos meet the specifications
listed in the section titled “Specifications” on page 6-4.
Lithos or dichroic filters are cracking
Possible causes and solutions:
Cause: Improper installation.
Make sure you are using dichroics and lithos that
meet the specifications shown in the section titled
“Specifications” on page 6-4.
Lithos must be oriented with the coated side facing
away from the lamp and the glass (uncoated) side facing
toward the lamp. In the case of textured lithos, face the
textured side away from the lamp and the flat side toward the
Color wheel dichroic filters:
Dichroic filters should be
oriented with the coated side facing toward the lamp and the
glass (uncoated) side facing away from the lamp. Figure 6-5 on
page 6-6 shows how to tell which side is which.
Cause: Faulty hot mirror allowing overheating inside the fixture.
Solution: Visually inspect the hot mirror for cracks or deep
scratches as shown in the section titled “Cleaning the Lenses and
Mirrors” on page 6-16.
Cause: Fan has failed.
Solution: Home the fixture, either by unplugging the fixture and
plugging it back in, or by selecting HOME from the Test menu. Put
your hands over the air exhaust shown in Figure 2-13 on page 2-21.
You should feel air movement. If not, the fan has failed. Contact
High End Systems Customer Service as shown in “Contacting High
End Systems” on page Intro-4.
Other components cracked or heat damaged
Possible causes and solutions:
Cause: Faulty hot mirror allowing overheating inside the fixture.
Solution: Visually inspect the hot mirror for cracks or deep
scratches (see “Cleaning the Lenses and Mirrors” on page 6-16).
Cause: Fan has failed.
Solution: Home the fixture, either by unplugging the fixture and
plugging it back in, or by selecting HOME from the Test menu. Put
your hands over the air exhaust shown in Figure 2-13 on page 2-21.
You should feel a slight breeze from the fan. If not, the fan has
failed. Contact High End Systems Customer Service as shown in
“Contacting High End Systems” on page Intro-4.