6 accutune set up group – Honeywell UDC2500 User Manual

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UDC2500 Universal Digital Controller Product Manual


3.6 Accutune Set Up Group


Accutune III automatically calculates GAIN, RATE, and RESET TIME (PID) tuning
constants for your control loop. When initiated on demand, the Accutune algorithm
measures a process step response and automatically generates the PID tuning constants
needed for no overshoot on your process.

Fuzzy, Fuzzy Overshoot Suppression: When enabled, this configuration will suppress or
eliminate any overshoot that may occur as a result of the existing tuning parameters, as
the PV approaches the setpoint.

Tune, Demand Tuning: The tuning process is initiated through the operator interface keys
or via a digital input (if configured). The algorithm then calculates new tuning parameters
and enters them in the tuning group. Tune will operate with PIDA, PIDB, PD+MR and
Three Position Step Control algorithms.

SP, SP Tuning: SP tuning continuously adjusts the PID parameters in response to
setpoint changes. You can select tuning on minimum setpoint changes of
5 % up to 15 % span. Perform SP tuning after you have configured the controller. SP
Tuning does not operate with the Three Position Step Control algorithm.

Simplex Tuning is used when a Simplex Control Algorithm is configured and uses the
current SP value and alters the output over the Output Limit Range.

Duplex Tuning is used when a Duplex Control Algorithm is configured. To perform a
Duplex Tune, Two Local Setpoints must be configured per the Control Group in Section