New sca-extended crash dump format, Memory dumped on v2500/v2600 sca servers – HP 9000 V2600 SCA User Manual
Page 171

Chapter 7
Recovering from failures
Abnormal system shutdowns
Crashdump must be configured to dump on cabinet zero disks only.
It is important to have sufficient space to capture the part of memory
that contains the instruction or data that caused the crash. More than
one dump device can be defined so that if the first one fills up, the next
one continues dumping until the dump is complete or no more defined
space is available. To ensure enough dump space, define a dump area
that is at least as big as the computer’s physical memory plus 1 Mbyte.
Setting the amount of memory dumped and the classes of the memory
pages determines the size of the dump. The content can be configured
while the system is running and changed without rebooting the system.
The larger the size of the system’s physical memory, the longer it takes to
dump it to disk (and the more disk space it consumes).
New SCA-Extended Crash Dump Format
A new crash dump format is provided to support dumping selected
memory on multiple-cabinet V2500/V2600 servers. This new SCA-
extended crash dump format is used only on V2500/V2600 SCA systems
and requires the crash dump utilities provided in the HP-UX 11.10
Non-SCA systems, including single-cabinet V2500/V2600 servers and all
other HP systems, use the non-SCA crash dump format. Unlike the SCA-
extended crash dump format, the non-SCA crash dump format is
backward compatible and does not require HP-UX 11.10 crash dump
For more information see the Release Notes fpr HP-UX 11.10 SCA.
Memory Dumped on V2500/V2600 SCA Servers
Crash dump on multiple-cabinet V2500/V2600 servers dumps memory
from all cabinets, including the following:
All cabinet ID 0 memory, except memory dedicated as CTI cache.
All cabinet-private memory on serf cabinets (cabinet IDs 2, 4, and 6).
Crash dump does not dump memory used as CTI cache. The CTI cache is
physical memory dedicated as a cache for internode communication, and
is not made available to HP-UX or applications.
For V2500/V2600 SCA servers, the crash dump volume must reside
entirely on cabinet ID 0.