HP 9000 V2600 SCA User Manual
Page 157

Chapter 6
HP-UX Operating System
Stopping HP-UX
Performs a level 4 reset of all cabinets. This causes a Transfer of
Control (TOC) that initiates a crash dump of the operating system, if
crash dump is configured.
See the savecrash(1M) man page for crash dump details.
To reset the V-Class server hardware, perform the following steps:
Step 1. Shut down HP-UX on the V2500/V2600 server.
This involves logging in to the server and issuing the
shutdown -h
reboot -h
command. For details see the procedure “Shutting down the
If the V-Class server is hung and you can not log in and shut down HP-
UX, you can proceed with Step Two and may want to perform a level 4
reset at Step Three.
Step 2. Access a Service Support Processor login shell.
You can do this directly at the Service Support Processor workstation, or
by remotely logging in with a
Step 3. Issue the
command from a Service Support Processor login
By default,
performs a level 1 reset of all cabinets. See the
do_reset(1) man page on the Service Support Processor for details.
A level 4 reset (
do_reset all 4
) performs a Transfer of Control (TOC)
that resets the server and initiates the HP-UX crash dump process for it,
if configured.
Pressing the TOC button on a V-Class server cabinet has the same effect
as a level 4
Issue only one level 4 reset to ensure a proper TOC.