Poppy rev.b/tcat – Epson PhotoPC 600 User Manual
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3. Press the timer button. The timer icon appears on the
display panel.
4. Press the shutter button. The timer icon and the red
timer light on the front of the camera flash slowly for
eight seconds, then rapidly for two seconds before
the shutter releases.
The camera beeps when the image is captured. The status
light on the back of the camera flashes red as PhotoPC
600 processes the image. When the status light stops
flashing and turns green, you can take another picture.
You need to press the timer button again each time you
want to take a picture using the self timer.
Macro mode
Use the macro mode to take pictures at close
range. This mode enables you to take pictures
within a range of 20 cm to 50 cm. Follow these
steps to take a picture in the macro mode:
1. Turn the camera on and slide the monitor mode switch
to View. A live preview appears on the LCD screen.
2. Press the macro button. The macro mode icon appears
on the display panel. A green frame appears around
the previewed image and MACRO appears briefly
on the LCD screen.
3. Press the shutter button.
To make sure your subject is framed accurately, we recommend
that you use the LCD monitor rather than the viewfinder when
taking a photo in macro mode.
To turn off macro mode, simply press the macro button again.
Special photo formats
Your camera features three special photo format modes:
zoom, panorama, and multi-frame. Zoom mode allows
you to enlarge the image by as much as three times. In
panorama mode you can shoot wide-angle panoramas.
Shooting in multi-frame mode causes the shutter to
release nine times in rapid sequence, producing a single
image composed of nine stop-action frames. This mode
can be useful if you want to break down a complex
motion, such as your golf swing, into a series of
easy-to-see steps.
Poppy Rev.B/TCAT
A5 size
Chapter 2
pass 6
Taking Pictures with PhotoPC 600