Specifi cations, 0 specifi cations – Magnum Energy MS-AEJ Series User Manual
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© 2007 Magnum Energy Inc.
Table 5-1, MS-AE Specifi cations
M odels
M S4024AE
M S4448AE
Input battery voltage range
18.0 to 33.8 VD C
36.0 to 67.6 VD C
Absolute m axim um D C input
50 VD C
68 VD C
N om inal AC output voltage
AC output voltage accuracy
O utput frequency and accuracy
Total H arm onic D istortion (TH D )
C ontinuous power output
4000 VA (L-L)
4400 VA (L-L)
(at 25° C with 12.5 VD C nom inal)
(m ax 81% output im balance from L-N )
(m ax 81% output im balance from L-N )
C ontinuous AC output current
L-N : 22.0A/120VAC , L-L: 16.7A/240VAC
L-N : 24.0A/120VAC , L-L: 18.3A/240VAC
1 m sec surge current (am ps AC )
L-N : 120, L-L 195
L-N : 120, L-L 160
100 m sec surge current (am ps AC )
L-N : 72, L-L 92
L-N : 75, L-L 90
5 sec surge power (real watts)
30 sec surge power (real watts)
5 m in surge power (real watts)
30 m in surge power (real watts)
M axim um continuous input current
222 AD C
122 AD C
Inverter efficiency (peak)
H BC O / H BC I (H igh Battery C ut O ut / In)
34.0 VD C / 33.2 VD C
68.0 VD C / 66.4 VD C
LBC O / LBC I (Low Battery C ut O ut / In)
18.0 VD C (adjustable) / 25.0 VD C
36.0 VD C (adjustable) / 50.0 VD C
AC R elay Transfer tim e (m inim um )
Power C onsum ption - searching
Power C onsum ption - inverting (no load)
O utput W aveform
C ontinuous charger output at 25° C
105 AD C
60 AD C
Input current for continuous rated output
15 AAC (at 120 VAC ) per leg
17.5 AAC (at 120VAC ) per leg
C harger efficiency
AC input frequency range
AC input voltage range
Power factor
Transfer relay capability
Five stage charging capability
Battery tem perature com pensation
Internal cooling
O ver-current protection
O ver-tem perature protection
C orrosion protection
Safety Listings
W arranty
O perating tem perature
N onoperating tem perature
O perating hum idity
U nit D im ensions (h x w x d)
Shipping D im ensions (h x w x d)
M ounting
U nit W eight
Shipping W eight
M ax operating altitude
Sp ecifications subject to change w ithout notice
L-L = Line to Line, L-N = Line to N eutral
< 8 watts
30 watts
Environm ental Specifications
Standard with included tem p sensor (battery tem p 0 to 50° C )
0 to 120 cfm variable speed drive using dual 92m m brushless D C fans
with two overlapping circuits
on transform er, M O SFETs, and am bient tem perature
ETL listed to AN SI / U L STD 1741 and C SA STD C 22.2 N o. 107.1-01
PC B’s conform al coated, powder coated chassis/top, and stainless steel fasteners
Inverter Specifications
C harger Specifications
G eneral Features and C apabilities
L-N : 60 to 140 VAC (120 VAC nom inal)
L-L: 120 to 280 VAC (240 VAC nom inal)
50 to 70 H z
< 5%
Physical Specifications
18.5” x 17.5” x12.5” (47 cm x 44.5 cm x 31.8 cm )
54.5 lbs (24.7 kg)
13.75” x 12.65” x 8.0” (34.9 cm x 32.1 cm x 20.3 cm )
Shelf or wall (vents not allowed to face downward unless M E-C B is installed)
Pure Sine W ave
16 m secs
15,000’ (4570 m )
-20° C to +60° C (-4° F to 140° F)
-40° C to +70° C (-40° F to 158° F)
58 lbs (26.3 kg)
2 legs at 30 AAC m axim um per leg
Bulk, Absorb, Float, Equalize (requires rem ote) and Battery Saver™
0 to 95% R H non-condensing
2 years parts and labor
L-N : 120 VAC ±5% , L-L: 240 VAC ±5% ( continuous power)
120 / 240 VAC split phase
60 H z ± 0.04%
Specifi cations
5.0 Specifi cations