Magnum Energy MS-AEJ Series User Manual

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© 2007 Magnum Energy Inc.

1.2 How the MS-AE Series Inverter/Charger Works

The MS-AE Series is an electronic device that takes DC (Direct Current) voltage from your batteries

and turns it into both 120V and 240V AC (Alternating Current) voltage, which is needed to power

your household electrical appliances (i.e. AC loads). The MS-AE Series also includes a battery

charger circuit that takes AC power (when connected to utility/generator power) and transforms

it into DC power to recharge your batteries.

1.2.1 Inverter Applications

An inverter can be used for backup power in a home or offi ce that normally uses utility power.

When the utility power is available, the inverter keeps the batteries charged. When the utility power

fails, the inverter comes on automatically to supply AC power to your home or offi ce during the

power failure. For a home or business, reliable back-up power is used to prevent lost computer

data or to maintain lights and keep food fresh in the refrigerator/freezer.
In some areas, where utility power is not available, this inverter can be used in an stand-alone

renewable power system. The inverter allows AC electrical appliances to be run from the storage

battery bank. When the battery bank becomes discharged, either renewable DC sources (solar,

wind or hydro power) can be used to recharge the batteries or a generator can be connected to

the inverter to power the system while the batteries recharge.

1.2.2 Advantages of a Pure Sine Wave Inverter

Today’s inverters come in two basic output waveforms: modifi ed sine (which is actually a modifi ed

square wave) and pure sine wave. Modifi ed sine wave inverters approximate a pure sine wave-

form and will run most appliances and electronics without any problems. These inverters are less

expensive and, therefore, offer a viable alternative to more expensive pure sine inverters.
The MS-AE Series provides a pure sine wave output, this waveform is equal to or, in many cases,

better than the grid power used in your home. Virtually any electronic device will operate from a

pure sine wave inverter. Motors run cooler, microwaves usually cook faster and clocks keep bet-

ter time just to name a few examples. Without compromising quality or performance, the MS-AE

Series provides you with all of the advantages of a pure sine wave inverter at a much lower cost

than many in the market.

1.2.3 Appliances and Run Time

The MS-AE Series inverter/charger can power a wide range of household appliances including small

motors, hair dryers, clocks and other electrical devices. As with any appliance using batteries for

power, there is a certain length of time that it can run - this is called “run time.” Actual run time

depends on several variables including the size and the type of appliance, the type of batteries

installed in your application, as well as the battery’s capacity and age. Other factors such as

the battery’s state of charge and temperature can also affect the length of time your appliances

can run. See the Battery Bank Sizing section in Appendix B, to determine the battery bank size

needed for you loads.
Appliances such as TVs, VCRs, stereos, computers, coffee pots, incandescent lights and toast-

ers can all be successfully powered by your inverter. Larger electrical appliances, however, such

as stoves, water heaters, etc., can quickly drain your batteries and are not recommended to be

powered by the inverter.
All electrical appliances are rated by the amount of power they consume. The rating is printed

on the product’s nameplate label, usually located on its chassis near the AC power cord. Even

though it is diffi cult to calculate exactly how long an inverter will run a particular appliance, the

best advice is trial and error. Your MS-AE Series inverter has a built-in LBCO (Low Battery Cut

Out) safeguard that automatically protects your batteries from over discharge.

Info: For the MS-AE Series inverter/charger to perform optimally, a minimum battery

bank of 200 AH is recommended for moderate loads (<1000W) and greater than 400 AH

for heavy loads (≥1000W).
