All systems, Control panel sets, Audio mode (special stereo switching) – Grass Valley JEP-100 v.1.2.0 User Manual
Page 47: Salvo switching

JEP-100 — Installation and Operating Manual
Configuration - Jupiter System
All Systems
Control Panel Sets
Switcher inputs and outputs for the JEP-100 are specified by creating a CP
Level Set of type "CP3000," a CP Input Set of type "Serial," and a CP Output
Set of type "Serial." These sets are assigned to each panel using the MPK
Devices table.
With the JEP-100, the CP Level Set does establish the order in which levels
are displayed on the panel; however, this table is not the source of the display
mnemonics used for the various levels ("Video," "Left," etc.). The level names
are instead based on the Switcher "Name" (i.e., level name) as entered in the
Switcher Description table, with a maximum length of eight characters. For
this reason, systems with JEP-100 panels require that all Switcher Names in
the Switcher Description table be unique (not just unique within a given
switcher). For example, if switcher "Main" has a level Name "Video," then
switcher "News" could not also have a level name "Video."
The Type "Serial" Input and Output sets used for the JEP-100 must have an
Entry number "0" in the first row, Entry number "1" in the second row, and so
on in sequence.
The CP Input and Output sets are also the source of the eight-charac ter
mnemonics displayed on the panel.
Further, the CP Input set determines which of the 96 button-per-source
buttons is assigned to which source. The upper left-hand but ton of the JEP-
100 will select the first input listed on the CP Input Set created and selected
for this particular panel, the next button to the right will select the next
listed input, etc. Override sets are not used.
Audio Mode (Special Stereo Switching)
When used to control Venus or Apex audio routers, the JEP-100 can provide
stereo switching modes, which are Normal, Left, Right, Mix, and Reverse.
In this case, the Switcher Description table must define Left and Right
levels in the Audio column. For more information, re fer to the Switcher
Description Table in Section 5 of the Jupiter CM-4000 manual.
Audio mode operating instructions are detailed on
Salvo Switching
The SALVO key can be used to execute a list of pre-built Jupiter se quences,
where a sequence is a switch of one or more sources to one or more destina-
tions. For more information, see