Enabling stateful failover, Enabling automatic configuration synchronization, Configuring a failover interface and a backup vlan – H3C Technologies H3C SecBlade LB Cards User Manual
Page 89
Enabling stateful failover
When you enable stateful failover with the dhbk enable backup-type { dissymmetric-path |
symmetric-path } command, one of the following happens:
If you specify the dissymmetric-path keyword, the two devices operate in active/active mode.
Sessions enter and leave the internal network through different devices to achieve load sharing.
If you specify the symmetric-path keyword, the two devices operate in active/standby mode.
Sessions enter and leave the internal network through one device.
Select a keyword based on the network environment and resources, and specify the same keyword for
both devices.
To enable stateful failover:
Step Command
Enter system view.
Enable stateful failover in a
specified mode.
dhbk enable backup-type
{ dissymmetric-path | symmetric-path } Disabled by default.
Enabling automatic configuration synchronization
To implement service backup between two devices (A and B, for example), make sure the service status,
service data, and service configurations on the two devices are consistent. You can enable automatic
configuration synchronization on A and use the default configuration on B. After that, A automatically
synchronizes configurations of the service modules that support stateful failover to B in real time.
To enable automatic configuration synchronization:
Step Command
Enter system view.
Enable the local device
to perform automatic
synchronization to the
master [ synchronization ]
By default, a device only receives backup
configuration from the peer.
If the synchronization keyword is specified, the
local device automatically synchronizes
configurations of the service modules that
support stateful failover to the peer. If the
synchronization keyword is not specified,
automatic synchronization is not performed.
Configuring a failover interface and a backup VLAN
Failover interfaces send and receive stateful failover packets for data backup. Stateful failover packets
are identified by the backup VLAN. Each stateful failover device adds the backup VLAN tag to the
stateful failover packets, and sends the packets through the failover interface. Only the packets that are
received from failover interfaces and carry the backup VLAN tag are treated as stateful failover packets.
Do not configure other services for the backup VLAN. Otherwise, the operation of stateful failover might
be affected.