Configuration guidelines, Displaying and maintaining vlan – H3C Technologies H3C WX3000E Series Wireless Switches User Manual

Page 114

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100 1 ipv4

200 1 ipv6

Configuration guidelines

Protocol-based VLAN configuration applies to hybrid ports only.

Displaying and maintaining VLAN

To do...

Use the command…


Display VLAN information

display vlan [ vlan-id1 [ to vlan-id2 ] | all |
dynamic | reserved | static ] [ | { begin |

exclude | include } regular-expression ]

Available in any view

Display VLAN interface

display interface [ vlan-interface ] [ brief
[ down ] ] [ | { begin | exclude | include }

regular-expression ]
display interface vlan-interface

vlan-interface-id [ brief ] [ | { begin | exclude
| include } regular-expression ]

Available in any view

Display hybrid ports or trunk ports
on the device

display port { hybrid | trunk } [ | { begin |
exclude | include } regular-expression ]

Available in any view

Display MAC address-to-VLAN

display mac-vlan { all | dynamic |
mac-address mac-address [ mask mac-mask ]

| static | vlan vlan-id } [ | { begin | exclude |

include } regular-expression ]

Available in any view

Display all interfaces with
MAC-based VLAN enabled

display mac-vlan interface [ | { begin |
exclude | include } regular-expression ]

Available in any view

Display protocol information and
protocol indexes of the specified

display protocol-vlan vlan { vlan-id [ to
vlan-id ] | all } [ | { begin | exclude | include }
regular-expression ]

Available in any view

Display protocol-based VLAN
information on specified interfaces

display protocol-vlan interface

{ interface-type interface-number [ to
interface-type interface-number ] | all } [ |

{ begin | exclude | include }

regular-expression ]

Available in any view

Clear statistics on a port

reset counters interface vlan-interface
[ vlan-interface-id ]

Available in user view