9 – appendix – Teac X-48MKII User Manual

Page 55

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Main unit settings menu



Free Space

View open space on each hard disk

Quick Format

Format external hard disks

INP 1-24

IO Card Select 1-8

Select track 1-8 inputs

Input Routing 1-8

Set track 1-8 input routings

IO Card Select 9-16

Select track 9-16 inputs

Input Routing 9-16

Set track 9-16 input routings

IO Card Select 17-24

Select track 17-24 inputs

Input Routing 17-24

Set track 17-24 input routings

INP 25-48

IO Card Select 25-32

Select track 25-32 inputs

Input Routing 25-32

Set track 25-32 input routings

IO Card Select 33-40

Select track 33-40 inputs

Input Routing 33-40

Set track 33-40 input routings

IO Card Select 41-48

Select track 41-48 inputs

Input Routing 41-48

Set track 41-48 input routings


Sample Rate

Set the sampling frequency

Sample Clock Source

Set the audio clock source

BNC Clock In

Set the word clock input frequency

BNC Clock Out

Set the word clock output frequency

Word Out Polarity

Set the word clock output polarity

Frame Rate

Set the timecode frame type

Control Mode

Set the timecode synchronization mode

Output Muting

Set the timecode output muting method

Chase Freewheel

Set the freewheel time when functioning as a timecode slave

Chase Relock

Set the relock when functioning as a timecode slave

Chase Relock Thresh

Set the relock threshold value when functioning as a timecode slave

Chase Offset

Set the time code offset when functioning as a timecode slave

Resolve to Video In

Set to synchronize timecode output with VIDEO IN signal frame-edges

Chase Lock Deviation

Display time difference between timecode input and internal timecode

9 – Appendix