Selecting & editing, Selecting clips, Selecting time – Teac X-48MKII User Manual

Page 43: In and out points, Clip properties, Snap to grid, Cut, copy, delete, paste, Repeat paste, Crop, 6 – editing

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Selecting & Editing

Selecting Clips

To select complete clips, use the Object tool. To select a

portion of a clip or clips, use the I-beam or Smart tool. See

the previous section for more information.

Selecting Time

To select a range of time across all tracks, mouse over

the timeline above all of the tracks. No matter which tool

you’ve been using, the cursor will change into an I-beam

tool. Click and drag in the time ruler to select a time range

across all tracks. Your selection is displayed with in/out

point markers, described in the next section.

In and Out Points

Your selection range is displayed on-screen by the in and

out point markers, which look like small blue flags in the

timeline ruler.
To see exactly what has been selected, click the info

button. The screen will show information about your

selection start and end points as well as the length of the

selection. For an exact time selection, such as 00:02:00:00,

you can click in these fields and type in a new in point, out

point or selection length.
In addition, you can open the I/O Marker Properties screen

(select from the Windows menu) and select Selection to

input in and out points directly.

Info button

Clip Properties

There are three ways to call up this window:
• With a clip selected, click the Windows menu and

select Clip Properties.

• With a clip selected, press Control-2 on the


• Double-click a clip using the Finger tool in the

Smart Tool.

This window gives you several options for working with a

• You can name the clip.
• Type in exact start, end and length times.
• You can also specify an exact fade-in and fade-

out time and crossfade shapes, either linear,

exponential or reverse exponential.

• Clips can also be muted or locked by clicking these

checkboxes. Locking a clip makes it impossible to

edit until unlocked.

• Another set of buttons in the Clip Properties window

allow you to move the clip either to the timecode

embedded in a Broadcast WAVE file (“Broadcast
”) or to the current Play Position.

Click OK or Cancel to confirm or ignore the changes.

Snap to Grid

Clips can snap to a grid for exact placement of imported

or recorded audio in the timeline. To access this feature,

click on the Options menu and select Snapping. This menu

has three settings:
Enable Snapping
Turns the snap feature on or off.
Draw Snap Grid
Displays vertical grid lines in the timeline for visual

Snap To
Snap To is another submenu that selects how fine the

snap grid is drawn. The options are Hours, Minutes, Seconds,
or Subframes.

Cut, Copy, Delete, Paste

These commands do the expected edit functions to the

selected audio. Keyboard shortcuts are Control-X for Cut,

Cntl-C for Copy, Cntl-V for paste and Delete for Delete.

The only one that requires further explanation is Delete,

which does not actually delete the audio off the drive but

just removes it from the Edit Decision List (EDL). You can

always undo the operation or, if you have deleted a range

of a clip, pull the new clip’s head or tail to fill the deleted


Repeat Paste

Repeat Paste (Control-Alt-V) pastes the audio in the

clipboard multiple times. You might use this feature to

create a loop that plays through a song or to fill a section

of film dialog with room tone for ADR. When you select

the repeat paste command, the system will prompt you to

ask how many times it should repeat the audio loop.


Crop (Control-U) cuts the head and tail of a clip outside

of the selected range. Select a range inside of a clip using

the I-Beam tool, then use the Crop command to shorten

its length to include only the selected range.

6 – Editing