I/o settings, Analog i/o operating level, Control mode – Teac X-48MKII User Manual

Page 20: 4 – configuration

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code to devices such as video recorders, cameras, or edit

controllers and all devices are locked to the same video

reference signal (a.k.a. black burst). For more information

on synchronization and working with film or video, please

see the “Video Clock Frame-Edge Resolve” section on page

37 in chapter 5.

I/O Settings

This section explains how to configure the optional I/O

cards for the X-48MKII.

Mouse/Keyboard Operation

Choose Settings from the Windows menu and click on the
I/O tab.
I/O Cards
At the top of the display, you will see a list of installed

optional I/O cards (if any).
I/O Setup
Using the I/O Card Select menus, you can select Input and
Output types in groups of eight from the selection pull

down menus. (They are all set to TDIF by default.) The Input
pull down menus set track input sources in groups

of eight. They can be used to configure the recorder

inputs for a console that has less than 48 routing outputs.
For example, a console with 24 TDIF outputs could be

connected to the X-48MKII this way:
1 Connect console TDIF outs 1-24 to X-48MKII TDIF in


2 Set Input Routing for channels 1-8 and 25-32 as Input

Grp 1 1-8.

3 Set Input Routing for channels 9-16 and 33-40 as Input

Grp 2 9-16.

4 Set Input Routing for channels 17-24 and 41-48 as

Input Grp 3 17-24.

This allows all 48 tracks to receive signal without physical

re-patching. Console out 1 will feed track 1 and 25,

console out 2 will feed tracks 2 and 26, etc. There is a

track-by-track input selection pull down menu in the
TRACK screen which over-rides the selection made in the
Settings window.
You can also select the I/O operating level from the

pulldown menu at the bottom of the window. See the

next section for more information.
Use the Sample rate conversion on S/PDIF inputs checkbox

to set whether or not the S/PDIF input sampling rate is

converted or not.

Front Panel Operation

To configure the I/O cards from the front panel:

1 Press the INP 1-24 or INP 25-48 key.
2 Use the




buttons to select a bank of 8 inputs

and outputs, i.e. “

IO Card Select 1-8,

” and

press CHNG.

3 Select either

TDIF 1-8


Slot 1 (1-8)


press ENTER.

4 Press the EXIT button when you are finished

changing physical I/O types.

To send a different bank of inputs to tracks, for example

send inputs 1-24 to 25-48 (see example above):
1 Press the INP 1-24 or INP 25-48 key.
2 Use the




buttons to select routing for a bank

of tracks, such as “

Input Routing 25-32,

” and

press CHNG.

3 Select a bank of inputs, i.e.

Input Grp1 1-8,

and press ENTER.

4 Press the EXIT button when you are finished

changing input groups.

5 Press the CLEAR/HOME button to return to the

Home Screen.

Analog I/O Operating Level

You can set the analog operating level from the Settings

menu. Choose Settings from the Windows menu, click

the I/O tab and click the I/O Operating Level from the pull-

down menu. The levels (in dBFS) that can be selected are
20dB, 18dB, 16dB, 14dB and 9dB.

Control Mode

This unit has the following four transport control modes,

which can be set on the SETTINGS screen. From the
Windows menu, select Settings and click the Sync tab. In the
Time Code section, use the Control Mode pull-down menu

to select the desired control mode.
Use this mode to run the unit following its own timecode.
When enabled and the front panel TC CHASE key is

enabled, the X-48MKII chases the SMPTE timecode from

its input jack.
In this mode with the front panel TC CHASE key enabled,

the X-48MKII chases incoming MIDI timecode from it’s

MIDI input.
Theater Play
This is a special playback mode similar to Auto Cue on a

CD Player. Please refer to page 38 for details on the use of

this mode.

4 – Configuration