Digital audio clock, 4 – configuration – Teac X-48MKII User Manual

Page 19

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To set the sample rate:

Mouse/Keyboard Operation

1 Click on the Windows menu and choose Settings...
2 Click on the Sync tab.
3 Click on the
Rate pull-down menu under

Sample Clock.

4 You will see the currently selected sample rate

with a check mark. Select another sample rate by

clicking on it.

Front Panel Operation

1 Press SYNC.
2 Use the




buttons until you see



3 Press CHNG.
4 Use the




buttons until you see your desired

sample rate.

5 Press ENTER/YES.
6 When

Changing Sample Rate OK?


press the ENTER/YES button.

Digital Audio Clock

When digitally connected, two or more pieces of audio

equipment must be running at exactly the same digital

audio clock rate and have their sample exactly lined up. If

this is not done, audio artifacts like clicking and popping

or completely muted audio will result.
The X-48MKII provides the ability to operate in many

digital audio clock scenarios. Each available setting is

shown below along with an example of why it may be

used. These settings are made on the Sync tab of the
Settings window.
When selected, the X-48MKII’s digital audio clock is

running on its own at the selected sample rate. Choose

this when the X-48MKII is connected to an analog mixer

or when the X-48MKII is the clock master for other pieces

of digital audio equipment.
The term “varispeed” refers to a recorder’s ability to run

faster or slower than a base rate. This may be used to

record off speed for later playback at normal speed for

a special effect. It can also be used to slightly alter the

pitch of a recording for tuning purposes. Varispeed is only

available when the X-48MKII is set to Internal clock. When

clocked externally, the X-48MKII must follow the rate of

that external clock.
Word Clock
When selected, the X-48MKII’s digital audio clock will be

locked to any word clock signal present at its BNC Word

Clock input. If this is selected, but no word clock signal

is present, the sample rate indication in the GUI and the

Sample Lock LED on the front panel will flash indicating

no clock lock.
Word clock is commonly used when many pieces of digital

audio gear are connected together in a system and clock

is correctly distributed from a central clock generator or

one of the connected devices.
Invert Word Out Polarity
Some manufacturers of digital audio equipment lock

to the rising edge of a clock signal while others use the

falling edge. This setting allows the X-48MKII to operate

as a clock master with either type of equipment. This may

not be documented by all manufacturers, so if your clock

configuration appears correct but you are still hearing

artifacts such as clicks, try changing the value of this

Clock Rate Multipliers
Some older word clock generators only support base

clock rates (44.1k, 48k). For scenarios where such a clock

generator is used in a system running at higher clock

rates, the X-48MKII provides the ability to lock to, and

output, word clock rates that are exact multiples of its

operating rate. For example, a system may be running at

96k, but the clock generator’s maximum output rate is

ADAT Card/AES Card (1, 2)
When selected, the X-48MKII’s digital audio clock will

be locked to the digital audio signal present at the first

group of eight inputs of a digital I/O card installed in

the specified slot. This would typically be used when

the X-48MKII is digitally connected via one of its slots to

one other piece of equipment such a mixer or another

When selected, the X-48MKII’s digital audio clock will

be locked to the digital audio signal present at the rear

panel S/PDIF input. This would typically be used when

the X-48MKII is digitally connected to the S/PDIF output

of a piece of equipment when transferring stereo audio

into the X-48MKII. On the SETTINGS screen I/O tab, set S/

PDIF output mode to Professional (Professional Mode check

box checked) or Consumer (Professional Mode check box

TDIF Port 1
When selected, the X-48MKII’s digital audio clock will be

locked to the digital audio signal present at the first TDIF

port (1-8). This would typically be used when the X-48MKII

is digitally connected via TDIF to one other piece of

equipment such as a mixer or another recorder.
Resolve to Video In
When checked, the X-48MKII will align the frame edge

of its timecode with the edge of the video reference

signal. This is not used as a sample clock source. Check

this box when the X-48MKII is synchronized via time

4 – Configuration