Timebar format, Clip properties, Navigating the timeline – Teac X-48MKII User Manual

Page 35: Status displays, Changing part colors on the track screen, Synchronization, Requirements, 5 – recorder, 35 timebar format

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Timebar Format

The time ruler can be displayed in SMPTE time or in

To change this behavior:
1 Click the Options menu and select Timebar Format.
2 Choose either
SMPTE or Samples.
You can also show a large display of the timecode

position in a separate window. Click Time Display in

the Windows menu to open the timecode position

display in a separate window.

Clip Properties

To specify information about a clip, open the Clip Properties

1 Use the Smart tool to select a clip.
2 Under the
Windows menu, select Clip Properties... or

press Control-2 from the keyboard.

• You can check file name changes, start point

and end point settings, audio clip movements

(timecode contained in broadcast wave files or

changes in playback position), track numbers and

other metadata (Coding History).

• You can also specify a fade in and fade out time

and shape from this window, mute or lock the clip


Another way to edit these values, without opening the
Clip Properties window, is to click the Info button in the

display. A new panel opens up below the transport with

the same clip options.

Info button

Navigating the Timeline

There are several ways to change the playhead position:
• Drag the bottom scrollbar left and right, then click

in the track display to jump to that position.

• Use the Fast Forward and Rewind buttons, either

on-screen or on the front panel.

• Double-click the timecode position readout and

type in a new location with the keyboard.

• Use an external machine control device (see next

section on Synchronization).

Status Displays

To the right of the menu displays, you should see a screen

similar to the one above. This shows, from left to right:

Current sample rate

Auto input (AUTO IN), all recordings safe (REC SAFE),

Timecode Chase (TC CHASE) and destructive recording

(DEST REC) status (indicators appear blue when

Hard disk usage and remaining recording time

CPU load

Project name

Changing part colors on the track


Click Color Setup in the Option menu to open the Color
screen where you can change the color of clip

backgrounds, clip waveforms and other items, allowing

you to customize their appearance.
These color changes are saved with the project.



In order to reliably synchronize the X-48MKII to another

device, two references are required:
Location reference
Usually, this is SMPTE (LTC) timecode input through the

unit’s TIME CODE IN connector or MTC timecode input

through the MIDI IN connector. This tells the X-48MKII

where in the timeline to go.
Clock reference
A clock reference, typically word clock sent to the

X-48MKII through a BNC cable. This tells the X-48MKII how

fast to go once it gets to the right location.
The X-48MKII can run without an external word clock

source, but it will eventually drift out of sync. (You can

also use a digital audio signal such as AES/EBU as a clock

source.) You will also hear clicks and pops in the digital

audio if your entire studio is not resolved to a single

master clock.
Note that video clock is available on the X-48MKII, but

it cannot be used as the reference clock. Video clock is

only updated 60 times per second, where word clock is

updated 48,000 times or more per second. Long cable

runs can also cause video clock to go out of phase, which

may cause problems with digital consoles. Video clock

on the X-48MKII is used to define the frame edge of the

SMPTE input.
Word Clock
Word Clock sets the playback speed. Once the transport

position has been determined by the SMPTE input, the

unit follows the clock rate of the sample clock source

when playing back. (Set the clock source with the Source

item on the Sync tab of the SETTINGS screen (select the
Settings item from the Windows menu).)

5 – Recorder