Fade-in, fade-out and crossfade curves, Audio processing, Pitch/time stretch – Teac X-48MKII User Manual

Page 45: Consolidate, Pitch/time stretch consolidate, 6 – editing

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10 When adjusting the crossfade is possible, the fades

of Clip 1 and Clip 2 will not be adjusted, so the fade

tool will not appear even when the cursor is placed

at the top of a clip.

In addition, if you adjust the start point of Clip 2 or

the end point of Clip 1 in step 6 or 9, the clips will

no longer overlap, making it impossible to adjust

the crossfade. If you have done this, undo the edit

so that you can adjust the crossfade.

11 To readjust the clip border, fix the start point of the

clip on the right and the end point of the clip on the

left first. For example, adjust the border position

so that it is the same as in step 3.

Clip 1

Clip 2

Clip 3

12 To move the clip border further to the left, move

the double-headed arrow cursor little to the left of

the border and click to make Clip 2 active.

Clip 1

Clip 2

Clip 3

13 If you drag to the left, the crossfade will be

adjusted as in step 8, so drag to the right first.

Clip 1

Clip 2

Clip 3

14 Then, drag to the left to adjust the clip border.

Clip 1

Clip 2

Clip 3

15 To move the clip border set in step 11 to the right,

place the double-headed arrow cursor little to the

right of the border and click to make Clip 1 active.

Clip 1

Clip 2

Clip 3

16 If you drag to the right, the crossfade will be

adjusted as in step 5, so drag to the left first.

Clip 1

Clip 2

Clip 3

17 Next, drag to the right to adjust the position of the

clip border.

Clip 1

Clip 2

Clip 3

Fade-in, fade-out and crossfade


Select the Object tool.
Double-click on a clip to open the CLIP PROPERTIES

dialogue or double-click on a crossfade to open the
CROSSFADE PROPERTIES dialogue. In each dialogue you can

alter fade curves.
Please refer to “Clip properties” on page 35 of this manual

for further information.

Audio Processing

Pitch/Time Stretch

Selecting this item from the Process menu opens the Time
Compression/Pitch Shift
window. There are two options in

this window.
Time Compression allows the length of a clip to be changed

without changing the pitch. Use a mouse and keyboard to

set the length of a clip.
The start time for the clip remains the same while the end

point changes to reflect the new length. The clip’s fade in

or out remains non-destructive.
Pitch Shift allows the pitch of a clip to be changed without

changing the length.
Click OK to process the clip.


Selecting this item from the Process menu merges all

selected clips or time into one audio file. Any crossfades or

fade ins/outs that were added to the clip are also written

to the new clip. This command may be used before

exporting all of the edits on a track as one long Broadcast

WAVE file.
Audio clips that are merged using the consolidate

function must be given a new name. When you execute

the Consolidate item from the Process menu a naming

screen opens.

6 – Editing