7 – mixer, Mixer interface, Mixer introduction – Teac X-48MKII User Manual

Page 46: Mixer bypass, Dsp view, Mixer tabs

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7 – Mixer

Mixer Interface

Mixer Introduction

The X-48MKII includes a software digital mixer/router with

the following features:

48 playback channels, each with 4-band parametric EQ

and compression
Level, pan, solo and mute controls

Input and output source selection per track/channel

6 aux sends, pre or post-fader

6 stereo aux returns

12 stereo subgroups

Dynamic automation engine supporting mouse-drawn

break-point style automation

Mixer Bypass

When you first use the X-48MKII, the mixer section is

disabled to improve input to output delay and CPU usage.

Before using any of the mixer functions you need switch

off Mixer Bypass.

To do this:
1 Click the Windows menu and choose Settings
2 Select the System tab. Uncheck the box labeled Mixer


DSP View

Click the DSP button pictured above or press F6 on the

keyboard to open the DSP panel. When you open this

window, you should see five panes (you may need to click

the reveal triangle or scroll down):
The Track section includes the fader, meter and pan

controls. There’s a record arming button, input monitor

button, solo and mute buttons. The Mix button sends that

track/channel to the Master output. You also get a field to

name the track and another input and output menu for

setting the source and destination for your track.

Aux Sends
Aux Sends shows the six aux sends and allows you to

send the selected channel to them. The Pre button, when

lit, makes these pre-fader sends. The On button turns the

send on or off. The knob at the bottom shows the amount

of that channel sent to the send.
Dynamics is a compressor for the selected track. Threshold

changes the channel’s compressor threshold and is

displayed in dBfs. Ratio is the amount of gain reduction

that occurs after the audio crosses the threshold. Attack

and Release control the amount of time until gain

reduction is fully-functional, and Soft applies a soft knee

for extreme ratio settings. On turns the effect on and off

and Gain is a post-compressor makeup stage.
The Equalizer section houses a four-band full parametric

EQ section. The On button at the top-right corner of this

panel switches the EQ on, and the On button above each

band switches that band on. (Note that you need to press

two On buttons to hear EQ, the master ON button and one

band’s ON button.) The Type pulldown menu gives you a

choice of Low Shelf, High Shelf, Peaking, Low Pass and High
for each band. You can use the Gain, Frequency and

Q knobs to change EQ, or grab the dots in the graphic


You can double-click number boxes for faders and pan

controls, as well as for AUX SEND, DYNAMICS, EQUALIZER

and other items on the DSP screen and directly input

numerical values.
Hold the keyboard Control key while clicking on the

pan control of a track to set the pan value to the center

Hold the keyboard Control key while clicking on the

fader of a track to set the fader value to 0 dB.
Hold the keyboard Shift key while clicking on the pan

or fader of a track and then drag to copy that pan or

fader value to other tracks.
Hold the keyboard Alt key while clicking on a control or

fader to make precise adjustments.

Mixer Tabs

There are six tabs at the bottom of the VGA display: Click

the tab or press the associated function key.


Track/waveform view (F1)

Ch. 1-24

First 24 channels of the mixer (F2)

Ch. 25-48 Second 24 channels of the mixer (F3)

Subgroups and aux returns (F4)


Master output (F5)

Big Meters Level meters for all 48 tracks are shown fill-

ing the screen.

All of the mixer channels, groups and masters are located

in one large window, so you can see channels 12-35 if
