Point mapping, Comm port settings, Point mapping comm port settings – RLE LD5100 User Manual

Page 40: Figure 5.11 comm port

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LCD Interface

5.10. Point


The Point Mapping menu allows users to map points on the LD5100. Mapped points help users

to create reference maps for a cable layout. For more details about how to map the cable on the

LD5100 see Chapter 6, “Mapping the Cable” on page 41.


Comm Port Settings

The Comm Port Settings menu allows users to configure both of the LD5100’s RS485 Modbus

ports. The LD5100 is only configurable as a Modbus slave device. Both ports may have their

addresses and baud rates set in this menu. Both addresses may be different and can be

configured from 0 (disabled) to 254. Both baud rates can be different and can be configured as

1200, 2400, 9600 (default), or 19200.

To set the ports, use the up and down arrows to navigate to the desired Port #. Then push the

right arrow to select the field. Use the up and down arrows to select the desired setting.

The Leak Detection Master option enables slave units to activate the LD5100 when they are

triggered into an alarm state. This function is beneficial when the LD5100 is a remote system

that does not have personnel in the immediate vicinity to monitor the alarm status.

When using the leak detection master option, the LD5100 relays can be activated according to

the slave unit alarm. If the slave has a leak alarm or a cable break alarm, the LD5100 leak or

cable relay will change state, respectively (i.e. it will trigger that an alarm is present. The zone

will then appear on the LCD and an alarm state will be reported to the top level of the system.

Figure 5.11 Comm Port