NavCom SF-3050 Rev.E User Manual
Page 227

SF-3050 GNSS Product User Guide
– Rev E
expressed in angular measurement from the plane of
the equator to a line from the center of the earth to
the point of interest. Often abbreviated as Lat.
LED acronym for Light Emitting Diode.
LEMO a type of data or power connector.
LES Land Earth Station
the point on the earth‟s
surface where data is up linked to a satellite.
logging interval the frequency at which positions
generated by the receiver are logged to data files.
lon see longitude.
longitude (long) the east/west component of the
coordinate of a point on the surface of the earth;
expressed as an angular measurement from the
plane that passes through the earth‟s axis of rotation
and the 0° meridian and the plane that passes
through the axis of rotation and the point of interest.
Often abbreviated as Long.
Mean Sea Level (MSL) a vertical surface that
represents sea level.
meridian one of the lines joining the north and south
poles at right angles to the equator, designated by
degrees of longitude, from 0° at Greenwich to 180°.
meteorological (.YYm) files one of the three file
types that make up the RINEX file format. Where YY
indicates the last two digits of the year the data was
collected. A meteorological file contains atmospheric
MSAS (MTSAT Satellite-based Augmentation
System) a Japanese satellite system that provides a
set of corrections for the GPS satellites, which are
valid for the Japanese region. They incorporate
satellite orbit and clock corrections.
MSL see Mean Sea Level.