Authorization code field – Gasboy CFN Series User Manual

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MDE-4602 Gasboy CFN Series Card Encoding Manual · November 2006

Page 11

Authorization Code Field

Card Field Descriptions

Authorization Code Field

The Authorization Code field is used on the following cards: Standard, Supervisor, and

If used, this field contains a one or two-digit code (0-99) that authorizes products that each
cardholder may access.

• If you have Site Controller I software, these products are fuels.
• If you have Site Controller II/III/IV software, these products can be fuels or non-fuel

products. With fuel products, the authorization is positive, where in you authorize the fuel
that a cardholder may get. With non-fuel products, the authorization is negative, where in
you indicate the products or departments a customer may not get. See the applicable
Manager's Manual for details.

Before you can assign Authorization Codes to products (fuel or non-fuel), you must make a
list (table) of all your products and assign numeric codes to each product (or category of
products). Later, at start-up time, you have to enter this table into the system memory using the
load product (LO PRO) command. Once you have the list defined, you can assign one or
multiple product codes to each Authorization Code. You will probably want to set up one
Authorization Code for all fuels, one for each individual fuel, and individual ones for the
combinations that you require.

The default table for a standard system consists of 20 assignments, but your table may be
larger depending on how it is configured. You can identify your table size by checking the
system parameters printout that is supplied to you when your system is delivered. If you have
Site Controller II software, then you can print the table sizes. The maximum size for your table
determines the number of slots available for codes. For example, using the default of 20, you
can have 20 codes with one product each, 10 codes with two products each, or five codes with
four products each, and so on.

Your Authorization Codes can be of one or two digits. Check your card layout to determine
your Authorization Code size. If you use a one-digit Authorization Code, you can use the
digits 0-9. If you use a two-digit Authorization Code, you can use 0-99. The table below is a
sample Authorization Code table. While the Authorization Codes shown are sequential, they
do not have to be so. The Authorization Code can be any number from 0 to 99 as long as the
number of codes does not exceed the maximum amount configured. For example, in a two-
digit Authorization Code table, the codes can be 0, 3, 5, 7, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, and so on.

Code zero is preset and will allow all fuel types, unless you specifically assign a value to it.
When you print your authorization table, code zero will not print unless a different value is
assign to it. Load all other Authorization Codes with fuel codes. Use only the number of codes
you need. If you use less than 10 codes, you may use a single digit on your card.

The following table is a sample of a very simple authorization table for Site Controller I, when
in you have defined the following fuel products: 01-Regular; 02-Unleaded; 03-Super; 04-

Auth Code

Fuels Allowed


All fuels