FSR RN-8200 User Manual
Page 42

3.0 Configuration Utility Software
RN-8200 Reference Manual
Page 3-21
Configuring a Relay Command
The Relay Command allows the user to create commands
that will control devices using contact closure. The relay
command can toggle, set, reset, pulse set, or pulse reset any
of the relays (or all simultaneously). The specific relay
action is selected in the Relay Command Type area. The
individual or the All relays option is selected in the Relay
Port area. The Pulse Period becomes active and can be set
as desired when a pulse set or rest action is the relay
command type desired. Once the Relay Command is
configured as needed, click the “Ok” button to build the
final formatted command in the main Button Command
Configuration panel. The Relay Command Entry panel is
shown to the right.
Configuring a Wait Command
The Wait Command allows the user to create time delays
between various commands in a sequence. For example, it
may be necessary to wait some short time after a relay is
closed to be sure the action completed before taking the
next action. There are 2 types of Wait Command possible,
normal and Wait with Lockout. The normal wait can be
any duration between 0.01 seconds to 9.99 seconds in
increments of 0.01 second. The “Wait with Lockout”
changes the duration values from 1 second to 999 seconds.
The wait with lockout “locks-out” all button presses during
the wait period. An example of a Wait with lockout might
be to allow a time for a projector to warm-up before
accepting further control actions. Once the Wait Command
is configured as needed, click the “Ok” button to build the
final formatted command in the main Button Command
Configuration panel. The Wait Command Entry panel is
shown to the right.
Configuring a Button Press Command
The Button Press Command allows the user to
execute a simulated button press in order to execute
the functions already programmed into any button
without having to repeat all the commands. To select
the button for the BP command, click the button on
the graphic. One very useful way to use this
command would be for executing very long command
scripts that will not fit into a single button location.
Some of the commands can be placed in the Source
Control function buttons of the “Virtual Bank” and
then these buttons can be “called” using the Button
Press Command. Once the Button Press Command is
configured as needed, click the “Ok” button to build
the final formatted command in the main Button
Command Configuration panel. The Button Press
Command Entry panel is shown to the right.