FSR RN-8200 User Manual
Page 37

3.0 Configuration Utility Software
RN-8200 Reference Manual
Page 3-16
Command Scripting
This window shows the commands configured for the button. As each command is
configured, it gets added to this window. The commands shown in the window are formatted
as required by the Room Navigator. While it is not necessary, if you are interested in
becoming familiar with the Room Navigator command format, refer to the Room Navigator
Programmer’s Guide.
The command translator provides a translation of any command highlighted in the scripting
window. This is an aid in becoming familiar with the Room Navigator command format or
just a means to help you remember what a particular command is after you have added it to
the button.
Command Script
Editing Controls
These controls allow you to manipulate commands after they have been added to your
command script. To use these controls, highlight a command in the scripting window. You
can then Edit it or Delete it, or move it up or down in the script list.
Scripting Scratch
Pad Controls
The scratch pad provides a way to copy and paste commands. It can be used as a way to
avoid having to create new commands if they are merely minor changes to commands
already in your script. It can also be used to copy and paste commands between buttons.
Copy Button:
This copies the highlighted command from the scripting window into the scratch pad.
Cut Button:
This cuts the highlighted command from the scripting window into the scratch pad.
Scratch Pad Window:
This shows the commands currently available in the scratch pad.
Paste Button:
This pastes the highlighted command from the scratch pad to the scripting window.
Trash Button:
This deletes the highlighted command from the scratch pad.
Clear All
Commands Button
This button deletes all commands from the scripting window (or clears the command script).
These controls decide if you want to save the configuration for the button or cancel it and do
something else.
Example 1: Configuring a Button with a Command – Audio Mute
To configure the Audio Mute function, click
on the Audio Mute button on the Button Cmd
Setup Tab to open the Button Command
Configuration panel. Note that the Audio
Mute button is green on the button map in the
upper left corner to indicate this is the button
we are currently configuring. Use the cursor
to “drag-and-drop” the “Audio Output Adj”
command from the Command Selection
Window into the Command Script Window.
This opens the Audio Output Command Entry
Panel so that you can specify exactly what
audio adjustment you want this button to
make when pressed. On this panel, simply
select the “Mute” radio button and click “Ok”
as shown to the right.