C appendix – profibus function block, Acyclic parameter descriptions, Standard function block parameters – Flowserve MX/QX Profibus DP/PA Field Unit User Manual
Page 80
PB DPV1 / PA Field Unit Installation and Maintenance FCD LMENIM2336-03 – 12/12
C Appendix – PROFIBUS Function Block
Acyclic Parameter Descriptions
Function blocks for the MX/QX PB are located in slots 1 through 8 of the device. The standard
parameters of the function block begin at index 16 of the slot. The function block-specific parameters
start at index 25 or 26 depending on the function block type.
Standard Function Block Parameters
(Index 16)
This object contains the characteristics of the blocks.
(Index 17)
The value of the static revision parameter may be used by a configuration device
to determine if a block parameter(s) stored in static memory has changed in
value. A change in a static parameter will cause the static revision parameter of
the associated block to be incremented.
(Index 18)
The tag description is a user-supplied description of the block.
(Index 19)
The strategy parameter has a user-specified value. This assigned value may be
used in configuration or diagnostics as a key in sorting block information.
(Index 20)
The Alert_Key parameter has a user-assigned value which may be used in sorting
alarms or events generated by a block.
(Index 21)
The target mode attribute indicates what mode of operation is desired for the
block. It is normally set by a control application or by an operator through a
human interface application. The input parameters are used by the algorithm in
conjunction with the state of the function block application containing the block
in order to determine if the algorithm can achieve the target mode of operation
established for it.
(Index 22)
The mode parameter is a structured parameter composed of the actual mode,
the normal mode and the permitted mode. The actual mode is set by the block
during its execution to reflect the mode used during execution. The normal mode
is the desired operating mode of the block. The permitted mode shows which
changes of the target mode are valid for the specific block to the remote user of
the MODE_BLK parameter.
(Index 23)
The parameter alarm summary summarizes the status of up to 16 block alarms.
For each alarm, the current states, unacknowledged states, unreported states and
disabled states are maintained.
(Index 24)
The Batch parameter is a structured parameter composed of four elements
– BATCH_ID, RUP (Recipe Unit Procedure), OPERATION, and PHASE. Only func-
tion blocks carry this parameter. The Batch parameter is necessary in a distributed
fieldbus system to identify used and available channels, in addition to identify the
current batch in case of alerts.