7 transducer block – Flowserve MX/QX Profibus DP/PA Field Unit User Manual
Page 52

PB DPV1 / PA Field Unit Installation and Maintenance FCD LMENIM2336-03 – 12/12
CHECK_BACK_MASK is the definition of supported CHECKBACK information bits.
Not supported
READBACK_D (cyclic) represents the feedback data from the transducer block channel. This object
indicates the position of the discrete valve and the sensor states.
Supported Modes
The permitted modes of the DO are Out of Service (O/S), LO (Local Override), Man (Manual), Auto
(Automatic), and RCas (Remote Cascade).
FSAVE_TIME (acyclic) is the time in seconds from detection of a failure of the actual used setpoint
(SP_D = bad or RCAS_IN <> Good) to the action of the block if the condition still exists.
NOTE: A communication timeout changes the status of the transmitted setpoint to bad.
FSAVE_TYPE (acyclic) defines the reaction of the device, if a failure of actual used setpoint is still
detected after FSAVE_TIME or if the status of actual used setpoint is Initiate Fail Safe. The calculated
ACTUAL MODE is AUTO respectively.
Value FSAVE_VALUE_D is used as setpoint status of OUT_D = UNCERTAIN – Substitute Value.
Storing last valid setpoint status of OUT_D = UNCERTAIN – Last usable Value or BAD – No
communication, no LUV.
Actuator goes to fail-safe position defined by ACTUATOR_ACTION, status of OUT_D = BAD – non
FSAVE_VALUE_D (acyclic) – OUT_D used if FSAVE_TYPE = 0 and FSAVE is activated.
Simulate (acyclic)
For commissioning and test purposes, the input value from the transducer block going to the
Discrete Output function block can be simulated. That means the transducer and DO-FB will be
disconnected when simulation is enabled. The network user can provide the DO block with “fake”
process data to test other portions of the system.
This feature requires the installation of a hardware jumper on the MX/QX PB unit, located on header
X5, Pins 3-4.
3.7 Transducer Block
The transducer block is the interface between the function blocks and the actuator hardware. This
block provides several channels for use by the function blocks to control and monitor the actuator.
The MX/QX actuator uses a standard electric actuator transducer block as defined in the PROFIBUS
Profile Version 3.0 specification. Additional parameters have been added to accommodate all of
the additional features available in the MX/QX device. The tables in Appendix B give a full list of the
available parameters.