Introduction, Introduction 5 – Epiphan VGA Printer User Manual
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1. Introduction
User Guide
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1. Introduction
You can use the VGA Printer device to print any VGA or DVI-A
display to any compatible printer with the push of a button or the
click of a link on a web interface. The VGA Printer device can
easily and cost-effectively capture images displayed on computer
screens, or generated by medical equipment, microscopes and
other specialized imaging products that have VGA or DVI-A
output. While these devices may support printing, none is easier
to set up or more effective than the VGA Printer device.
No special hardware is required just the VGA (or DVI-A) source
and a printer that supports USB 1.1 or 2.0. You can also print to
most network printers. Capturing and printing VGA or DVI-A
images requires the following components:
• A VGA or DVI-A video source to capture images from.
• An Epiphan VGA Printer device that captures images from the
video source and sends them to a printer.
• One or more printers to print captured images.
The VGA Printer device combines an Epiphan Frame Grabber
and a computer in a small appliance. The Frame Grabber captures
images. The computer records images captured by the Frame
Grabber and can send captured images to one or more configured
printers. The printers can be connected directly to the VGA
Printer device with a USB cable or they can be network printers
connected to the same network as the VGA printer.
Note: The VGA Printer Frame Grabber is equivalent to a
VGA2USB or VGA2USB Pro that has been optimized for the VGA
Printer device.
The computer also provides the VGA Printer network setup and
printer configuration settings, and the VGA Printer .Web admin
interface. You use the VGA Printer Web admin interface to
configure the VGA Printer device and to view and print captured