BECKHOFF EtherCAT IP Core for Altera FPGAs v3.0.10 User Manual
Page 22

Slave Controller
– IP Core for Altera FPGAs
Release notes
The Sync/Latch PDI Configuration register 0x0151 shows the same value as
previous IP Core versions. The actual configuration is not affected, since it is fixed
by the IP Core configuration.
Avalon/AXI timing: Quartus might infer an additional clock control buffer into the
on-chip-bus clock signal, causing higher jitter/delay. This clock buffer is now
avoided, leading to better timing results.
Added support for unaligned AXI burst transfers.
Restrictions of previous versions which are removed in this version:
The ERR LED allows overriding using the ERR LED Override register 0x0139
while AL Status register Error Indication bit 0x0130[4] is set. The override flag is
now cleared upon a rising edge of 0x0130[4], and it can be set again afterwards.
Restrictions of this version, which are removed in V3.0.9:
The AXI PDI may not complete an access occasionally if overlapping read and
write accesses occur, causing the processor to wait endlessly.
The AXI PDI does not execute read accesses correctly if ARSIZE is smaller than
the AXI bus width.
Restrictions of this version, which are removed in V3.0.10:
The last 4 Kbyte Process Data RAM (0xF000:0xFFFF) cannot be used in the 60
Kbyte RAM configuration.
The AXI PDI may write to wrong bytes if the write data is valid before the address,
which is typically true for AXI4LITE.
The AXI PDI may read additional bytes after the intended bytes.
The AXI PDI may write additional bytes to byte lanes without byte enable, if User
RAM (0x0F80:0x0FFF) or Process Data RAM (0x01000 ff.) is written, if the actual
write address on the bus is 32 bit aligned (AWADDR[1:0]=00), and if one or more
of the lower byte enables/byte strobes (WSTRB) is not set.
The Altera DE2-115 example designs have been updated to support Quartus 14.0
(connected PLL areset signal)
The PDI watchdog status 0x0110[1] now shows value ‘1’ (watchdog reloaded) if
the PDI watchdog is configured to be not available.
The ESI XML device description does not use special data types anymore.
Restrictions of previous versions which are removed in this version:
The AXI PDI completes accesses if overlapping read and write accesses occur.
The AXI PDI executes read accesses correctly if ARSIZE is smaller than the AXI
bus width.
Restrictions of this version, which are removed in V3.0.10:
The last 4 Kbyte Process Data RAM (0xF000:0xFFFF) cannot be used in the 60
Kbyte RAM configuration.
The AXI PDI may write to wrong bytes if the write data is valid before the address,
which is typically true for AXI4LITE.
The AXI PDI may read additional bytes after the intended bytes.
The AXI PDI may write additional bytes to byte lanes without byte enable, if User
RAM (0x0F80:0x0FFF) or Process Data RAM (0x01000 ff.) is written, if the actual
write address on the bus is 32 bit aligned (AWADDR[1:0]=00), and if one or more
of the lower byte enables/byte strobes (WSTRB) is not set.