Avery Dennison 6035 Programmer Manual Rev.A 7/98 User Manual

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2-38 ROM-DOS 6.22 User Manual



device = VDISK.SYS

Builds a 64K byte RAM disk in DOS memory.

device = c:\DOS\VDISK.SYS 220 /E

Builds a 220K byte RAM disk in extended memory. The VDISK device
driver is loaded from the c: drive and the \DOS directory. VDISK
assumes the default 512 byte sector size and 64 directory entries.

device = VDISK.SYS 45 128 18

Builds a 45K byte RAM disk in DOS memory. There are 128 byte
sectors and 18 root directory entries.

E n v i r o n m e n t V a r i a b l e s

A block of memory is reserved for the definition of certain strings,
called environment variables, used in the command processor
environment. These include the settings you may establish with PATH
and PROMPT as well as COMSPEC which is automatically defined by
ROM-DOS at system startup.

Environment variables may be defined using SET, explained in Chapter

C o n f i g u r i n g R O M - D O S f o r I n t e r n a t i o n a l U s e

You can configure ROM-DOS to conform to local conventions for date,
time, and currency formats by using COUNTRY=. You can also use
COUNTRY to select an international character set code page to
determine the sort order. Any code page can also be shown on EGA
and VGA displays by loading DISPLAY.SYS. You can re-map a
keyboard to provide support for various languages and layouts by
running KEYB.COM.