Avery Dennison 6035 Programmer Manual Rev.A 7/98 User Manual
Page 30

2-18 ROM-DOS 6.22 User Manual
After execution of MY_INFO1, the system pauses. When you press
any key, it clears the screen and proceeds to execute MY_INFO2, after
which it pauses again. When you press a key, it clears the screen and
returns control at the prompt line.
Bypassing AUTOEXEC.BAT Commands
ROM-DOS offers the ability to bypass some or all of the commands in
your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files during bootup. This is a
useful feature for tracking system problems that may be related
commands in either of these two files. For a complete description of
this feature, please refer to "Bypassing CONFIG.SYS and
AUTOEXEC.BAT Commands" in the section describing configuring
F i l e S t o r a g e
The sections that follow provide a basic introduction to computer
memory and disk drives.
Basic Terminology
Computer files are stored either in the computer's internal memory
(RAM and ROM) or on magnetic media, typically disks (diskettes and
hard drives).
Regardless of where it resides, computer information is stored in
bytes. A byte can be thought of as the amount of space it takes to
store one character. Amounts of computer memory are measured in
three terms:
KB stands for Kilobyte. One Kilobyte is thought of as one thousand
bytes, although it is actually 1024 bytes in computer memory.
MB stands for Megabyte. One Megabyte is thought of as one million
bytes; the real number is 1,048,576 bytes.
GB stands for Gigabyte. One Gigabyte is thought of as one billion
bytes; the real number is 1,073,741,824 bytes.