Minimum default maximum, Setpoint screen #12, Setpoint screen #13 – Auto-Zone Control Systems Auto-Zone Plus Systems Installation & Operation (Version 03A) User Manual
Page 133: Setpoint screen #14

Auto-Zone Plus
Section 3
Setpoint Screen #12
Setpoint Screen #13
Setpoint Screen #14
CVAHU Setpoints
Economizer Setpoints
Min Position: 10 %
Control Rate: 90
The Min Econo % is the position the economizer holds during
occupied mode when it is not enabled for operation, due to
Outdoor Air or Wetbulb Temperature.
During economizer control, the economizer damper is allowed
to move 1 percent open or closed, as required, at a rate equal to
this value. Use this to speed up or slow down the operation of
your economizer.
Minimum Default Maximum
Min Position
0 %
10 %
100 %
Control Rate
CVAHU Setpoints
Economizer Setpoints
Min Voltage: 0.0 v
Max Voltage: 10.0 v
The user can set the voltages required to open and close the
damper. Some actuators use a 2-10 vdc signal instead of 0-10
If the system is not configured for Economizer Control, no
economizer setpoint screens will appear.
Minimum Default Maximum
Min Voltage
0.0 VDC
0.0 VDC
10.0 VDC
Max Voltage
0.0 VDC
10.0 VDC
10.0 VDC
CVAHU Setpoints
Fan Starting Delay
Multiplier...: 10
If there are several air handling units on a system and you don’t
want them to all start at the same when going into the occupied
mode or after a power outage, you can input a Fan Starting
Multiplier. The multiplier is multiplied times the address
number of the unit and this becomes the number of seconds this
unit waits before starting the fan. For example if the Multiplier
is 5 and this unit is at address #18, then the time delay will be
90 seconds.
Minimum Default Maximum
Multiplier 0