Elements organizer projects overview – Adobe Elements Organizer 12 User Manual
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Elements Organizer projects overview
About projects
Find saved projects
Identify different types of projects
Open saved projects
About projects
The Elements Organizer and the Photoshop Elements Editor provide quick and easy ways to be creative with your media files. You can complete
some projects in the Elements Organizer. For other projects, start by selecting the media files you want to use in the Elements Organizer and then
complete the project in the Photoshop Elements Editor.
The projects under Create guide you through the process of using professionally designed templates to create your own unique projects. When
you complete a project, you can either share it online, or print it on your home computer or through a professional printing service.
Your projects are displayed in the Elements Organizer workspace, in the Media view. The project file and related subfolders that contain the
document or web page files for each project are created on your local hard drive. To maintain the link between these project files, subfolders, and
page files, avoid moving them using Windows Explorer. Instead use the Move command in Elements Organizer.
You can share projects in various ways. For example, you can burn a slide show onto a DVD.
The slide show feature is supported on Windows only.
Sometimes, projects from previous versions of Photoshop Elements do not open in the current version. In these cases, you have to use a
previous version to open some projects.
Find saved projects
In the Elements Organizer, choose Find > By Media Type > Projects.
Identify different types of projects
Elements Organizer identifies the different types of projects in the Media view.
In the Media view, look for the following icons in the upper-right corner of thumbnails:
Photo projects: Multi-page documents created in Elements Organizer, and saved in PSE format.
Projects: Documents created in a previous version of Elements Organizer.
(Windows only) Slide shows: Slide show projects created in Elements Organizer.
PDF files: Documents saved in Adobe Acrobat format.
The Premiere Elements projects are created as video projects under Albums panel while Photoshop Elements projects are created as
.pse files and are displayed in the grid under Media view.
Open saved projects