Object search – Adobe Elements Organizer 12 User Manual
Page 167

The percentage of visual similarity is displayed on the photos used for search.
4. (Optional) To remove a photo from the search options, double-click the photo in the Search bar.
5. (Optional) You can refine search based on the shapes and colors in the searched photos. Use the Color-Shape slider to specify the relative
importance Elements Organizer must assign to colors and shapes when searching pictures.
For example, you get better search results for building structures when you move the slider toward Shape. When searching pictures shot on
a beach, you get better results when you move the slider toward color.
Object search
In object search, you initially select the object in a photo that you want to define as the search object. Elements Organizer uses the search object
to assign priority when searching photos.
For example, to search for photos containing your pet dog, select the face of your dog in one of the photos. When you search photos, Elements
Organizer assigns a higher priority to photos containing your dog.
1. Select the picture containing the object.
2. From the Search menu, select Object Search. The single image view is displayed with a marquee.
Object defined for search selected using a marquee
3. Drag and resize the marquee to select the object.
4. Click Search Object.
Scenes containing the object are displayed. The percentage similarity is displayed on each of the thumbnails.
5. (Optional) To add more photos to refine your search, drag a photo to the Search bar.
6. (Optional) To remove a photo from the search options, double-click the photo in the Search bar.
7. (Optional) Use the Color-Shape slider to specify the relative importance Elements Organizer must assign to colors and shapes when
searching pictures.