WaveWare Adaptive AlphaNet User Manual
Page 98
How to edit a counter file
3 — Creating and sending messages
12. F
inally, in order to display the message you just added, it must be
transmitted to the Manufacturing signs. To do this, select the
Manufacturing site and then the Transmit icon:
R e s e t t i n g a c o u n t e r
If you are prompted to reset a
sign counter, select Yes to reset
the counter to its start value.
Otherwise, select No to leave the
sign’s current value intact.
Click Selected Sites
and then OK.
All the messages
will be sent to the
Manufacturing site
Select Manufacturing because this is the
only site to which we want messages sent.
Click the Transmit icon.
After 50 days, the counter included in the top message (which counts
up from 0 to 50) will display the target message below: