Options – WaveWare Adaptive AlphaNet User Manual
Page 116

Message Editor
4 — Reference
Some options may
not be available on
a sign. See
Inserts the time into a message.
The time is based on the time stored in your computer. If your
computer’s clock is incorrect, then the time displayed on a sign will
also be incorrect.
Inserts the date into a message. A number of formats are available:
Inserts the current temperature in either Fahrenheit or Celsius into a message.
This option is only available on the 790i, Solar™, and AlphaEclipse™
outdoor signs.
The Speed menu item displays 5 speeds and a No Hold option. Each speed
determines how fast messages are displayed on a sign and then replaced by the
next message.
Speed 1 is the slowest and Speed 5 is the fastest.
Use No Hold if you want your messages displayed as quickly as possible.
New Line
Forces a line break. Use New Line in place of a carriage return when you want
text to appear on a new line.
New Page
Acts as a page break.
Preset animations that can be displayed on most signs. For example, selecting
Cherry Bomb displays a firecracker with a burning fuse. When the fuse burns
down, the bomb explodes.
Inserts a text string in a message. See “How to use real-time data in a message”
on page 103.
Ticker Symbol...
Inserts stock market symbols into a message. Future use.
Table 19: Message Editor
Menu Item