WaveWare Adaptive AlphaNet User Manual
Page 19

Step-by-step tutorial in setting up connection devices, sites, and groups
2 — Installing AlphaNET™ 3.0 software and setting up sites
Step 1: Creating or changing the connection devices
A connection device is a way to connect a sign to a PC that is running
3.0 software.
See chapter 1 for instructions on how to connect signs.
For more detailed information on networking signs, see the
Networking Alpha Signs manual (pn 9700-0112).
The basic devices or types of networks are:
Cable (local) connection — This method uses cables/RS485 to
connect signs to a network, and messages one or all sign are sent over
this cabling. A local connection works best when all the signs are in
one building.
Modem (remote) connection — Typically, this method is used when
the signs you want to send messages to are not in the same building
(or city) as your PC. In this type of connection, a modem is attached
to your PC and another modem is attached to one or more signs at the
other location. At the times you specify, messages are transmitted to
the signs when the PC modem calls the sign’s modem.
Wireless connection (indoor signs) — In this setup, a transmitter is
attached to the PC running AlphaNET
3.0 software, and each sign
is equipped with a wireless receiver. This allows text and graphics to
be sent wirelessly to the signs. Note that AlphaEclipse™ signs use a
pair of transceivers for 2-way communication. Setup in AlphaNET™
uses a “wired” connection device.
Local Area Network (LAN) connection — This option allows you
to connect one or more signs to a LAN using Alpha® Ethernet
Adapters. There is no maximum to the number of Alpha® Ethernet
Adapters that can be used with AlphaNET
3.0 software.