WaveWare Adaptive AlphaNet User Manual
Page 57

Basic message editing
3 — Creating and sending messages
21. S
ave your message and name it Alpha2.msw. However, keep using
the message for the following steps.
22. N
ow we will try displaying a city name and dollar amount on a
sign at the same time.
Try deleting the comma and space between each city and amount
pair. Then place a carriage return after each, like this:
23. N
ext, simulate the message to see how carriage returns affect the
message format. This is what you should see:
O O P S !
Using a carriage return
might seem like the logical
way to format lines of text
in a message, but it does
not work.
We will correct this later
with the New Line option.
A carriage return has been placed
after each line of text.
Carriage returns do not
break text into separate
The New Line option must
be used instead.