TelVue HyperCaster® User Manual

Page 71

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TelVue HyperCaster


User Manual / v5.0 / October 2014

© 2014 TelVue Corporation 16000 Horizon Way, Suite 500, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054


is a registered trademark of TelVue Corporation 800-885-8886 /


Edit – To edit a metadata field, click on the field name or on its Edit icon. Edit the name,
description, or default value of the field as desired. Click on the Save button at the bottom of
the screen to save the changes. To return to the Metadata Setup screen without making
changes, click the Cancel button.

Delete – To delete a metadata field, click its Delete icon. The application asks you to confirm
the deletion. If you are sure you want to delete this field, click on Yes (OK). Otherwise click
on No (Cancel), and the application leaves the field unchanged.

Add – To add a new metadata field, click the New Attribute button at the bottom of the
screen. The application displays the Add Attribute screen.

Name – Enter a short, descriptive name for the attribute (metadata field), preferably one or
two words. This is what will be displayed on the Programming and Content pages.

Description – Enter a longer description about the attribute (metadata field) that will
distinguish it from any others on the database.

Default Value – Enter a default value for the attribute (metadata field) if desired.

Click on the Add button at the bottom of the screen to add the attribute to the list. To return to the
Metadata Setup screen without adding an attribute, click the Cancel button.

Import Settings

To change the settings for imported content, click on the import option. The application displays
the Import Settings screen.