TelVue HyperCaster® User Manual
Page 17

TelVue HyperCaster
User Manual / v5.0 / October 2014
© 2014 TelVue Corporation 16000 Horizon Way, Suite 500, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
is a registered trademark of TelVue Corporation 800-885-8886 /
In some browsers you can sort and filter the programming by:
Date – the date the content is scheduled for broadcast. If you click on Date again, the order
is reversed.
Title – sorts the list alphabetically. If you click on Title again, the order is reversed. This is
one way to see if a certain title has been scheduled.
Filter by Category – displays only the titles in a particular category. For example, if you are
supposed to air five community events today, click on the Community category to see if at
least five are displayed.
All – To see everything on the schedule again, click on All at the top of the box.
Click your browser’s Back button to return to the Dashboard. Your organization can optionally use the
RSS feed as an API to customize the integration programming information on your website or in other
Now Playing – the name and thumbnail of the program currently being played on the server.
The time the program was scheduled to start and end are displayed below the thumbnail. Both
the start time and runtime are shown in hours, minutes, and seconds (HH:MM:SS).
Stop – to stop playing the current program immediately, click the Stop button. A
confirmation dialog will pop up. If the current program is a zero-duration switch
event, there will be no Stop button.
RSS Now – quick link to a basic RSS 2.0-like feed that describes what is currently
playing on the channel. The listing depends on your browser, but typically includes
the program name, date and time of broadcast, and a description from the content
metadata as in this example.
Click your browser’s Back button to return to the Dashboard.
Next Up – the name, thumbnail, start time, and end time of the next program scheduled to
run in the next 24 hours.
RSS Next – quick link to a basic RSS 2.0-like feed that describes what is next playing
on the channel. The listing depends on your browser, but typically includes the
program name, date and time of scheduled broadcast, and a description from the
content metadata as in this example.
Click your browser’s Back button to return to the Dashboard.
Field Descriptions – Feed Section
Feed – information about incoming feeds. If this installation supports more than one feed,
each feed is listed in its own section. Feed information includes the name of the IP stream as
used on your system.
Now Capturing – the name and thumbnail of the content currently being captured. The time
the capture was scheduled to start and its runtime are displayed below the thumbnail. Both
the start time and runtime are shown in hours, minutes, and seconds (HH:MM:SS).
Stop – to stop the current capture immediately, click the Stop button. A confirmation dialog
will pop up.