TelVue HyperCaster® User Manual

Page 28

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TelVue HyperCaster


User Manual / v5.0 / October 2014

© 2014 TelVue Corporation 16000 Horizon Way, Suite 500, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054


is a registered trademark of TelVue Corporation 800-885-8886 /


2. Fill in the fields on the screen as described below:

Channel – Select a channel from the drop-down list if this is a multi-channel installation or leave the
default channel selected.

File – the file defaults to the playout you selected to play, but you can also select any file from the
drop-down list. Metadata, or information about the file, is automatically displayed.

Offset – Duration or Start Trim – End Trim

Depending on the schedule settings you chose in Config à Schedule Configuration your TelVue server
uses either Offset and Duration or Start Trim and End Trim to determine where file playout should
start and stop and how long the playout should be.

Offset –The application fills in the content file’s offset from the metadata. To change the
offset for this playout only, enter a new offset in the form HH:MM:SS. The offset in the
playout’s metadata remains the same.

Duration – The application fills in the content file’s duration from the metadata. To change
the duration for this playout only, enter a new duration in the form HH:MM:SS.

Calculate Max Duration – This utility subtracts the offset from the untrimmed length of the
file to get the duration without any end trim. Click on the words Calculate Max Duration to
use it. If you want the runtime to be less than the max duration, change the entry in the
Duration field after calculating the Max Duration.

Start Trim –The application fills in the content file’s start trim from the metadata. To change
the start trim for this playout only, enter a new trim in the form HH:MM:SS. To play the file
from its beginning, leave this field blank.

End Trim –The application fills in the content file’s end trim from the metadata. To change the
end trim for this playout only, enter a new trim in the form HH:MM:SS. To end the playout
when the file ends, leave this field blank.

Actual Duration – The original, untrimmed duration of the file. Offset + Runtime = Actual

Start – Use a Calendar icon to select a start date or enter a date in the form MM-DD-YYYYup
to one year from today.

Time – Enter the start time in HH:MM:SS format using 24-hour time. For example, 1:00 PM is

Play Immediately – To start playout as soon as the Save button is clicked, check this box.

Day of Week – Check one or more boxes to the right of the day of the week to have the file
recur on that day. To play the file every day, click Daily, which will check all the boxes. To
uncheck all the boxes, click None. There is a one-year limit on recurring playouts.

Until Date – Use a Calendar icon to select the last day for the recurring playout up to one
year from today. If you are playing the file on several days of the week, it will play on the last
day up to and including the date you select.

Optional Program Guide Data

Include in Program Guide – normally checked by default for video file types. If you do not want the
program guide report to display this playout, such as for a test file, uncheck this box. How you
configure categories in the Content Management section of the Config page determines whether this
box will be checked by default every time you schedule a playout. For example, if you do not normally
want PSAs to appear in your Program Guide, edit the PSA category and set the Include in Guide
field to “No.” Then you will not have to uncheck this box every time you schedule a PSA.

Track Content Metadata – checked by default. If you want any changes you make to the file’s
metadata, such as a program description, to be automatically tracked in the playout metadata, check
this box. Uncheck the box to override the metadata for the selected file and use the metadata you tag
for this specific event.