Altera DDR Timing Wizard User Manual

Page 91

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Altera Corporation


November 2007

DDR Timing Wizard User Guide

Using the dtw_timing_analysis.tcl Script

To avoid assigning these resynchronization registers’ locations manually,
you can use a tcl script called relative_constraint.tcl. This script is
available with the Legacy_PHY.qpf example design that is downloadable

AN328: Interfacing DDR2 SDRAM in Stratix II, Stratix II GX, and Arria

GX Devices

, and is also included in Quartus II 7.2 SP1 and later releases in

the Quartus II installation direcory (common/tcl/apps/relcon).


For more information on the script, please refer to Appendix E of


Interfacing DDR2 SDRAM in Stratix II, Stratix II GX, and Arria GX Devices


The example design in

AN328: Interfacing DDR2 SDRAM in Stratix II,

Stratix II GX, and Arria GX Devices

uses two batch files, called resynch.bat

and core_registers.bat. The resynch.bat file aligns the resynchronization
registers to the same column as the pin feeding them, as the DQ pin
locations were changed from the default assignments due to the board
pin-outs. The core_registers.bat places the second resynchronization
registers and the intermediate resynchronization registers closer to the
pins to meet core timing.

Both batch files use –pin_range and –reg_range argument since one
pin is actually related to two registers (due to the double-data rate
transfer). An example of the code in the resynch.bat file is shown below
where each DQ group (in this care ddr2_dq[7:0]) is called twice to be
associated with the resynchronization registers with index [7:0] and
with index [15:8]:

quartus_sh -t relative_constraint.tcl -project

Legacy_PHY -pin_name *ddr2_dq[* -reg_name

"*0:*|resynched_data[*]" -show_regs -reg_range 7:0

-pin_range 7:0 -row_offset 1 -apply

quartus_sh -t relative_constraint.tcl -project

Legacy_PHY -pin_name *ddr2_dq[* -reg_name

"*0:*|resynched_data[*]" -show_regs -reg_range 15:8

-pin_range 7:0 -row_offset 1 -apply

Note that you need to distinguish the resynchronization registers by
group, hence the use of "0" in the wildcard, or else the

script grabs all the registers with

"resynched_data" as part of the name (which equals to 144 registers in
this example).

If you have multiple memory controllers in the design, you also need to
distinguish the name of each controller so that the registers get the correct
placement by the script.